Friday, July 10, 2015

Early Humans and their Environment

<br /> Best Informative Essay<br />

Humans have been present on this Earth for nearly 3.5 million years when "Homo erectus" first evolved with an upright posture enabling the use of hands."Homo erectus" evolved into "Homo sapiens" one hundred thousand years ago and both linegaes lived in small,mobile groups.For nearly two million years,their way of life was based around hunting and gathering food until ten to twelve thousands years ago when agriculture evolved.Early humans depend upon their knowledge of crops and seasons in order for survival.Eventually,as brain size increased and more humans adapted to different environments,advances were made in human technology.Humans began to work with and occasionally against their environment to create a stable way to acquire food as well as a more stable lifestyle.On the other hand,the environment,the climate in particular,definitely dictated the movement and survival methods of early humans.

The seasonal changes,climate and other atmospheric conditions created many challenges for early humans.Modern examples that demonstrate what life might have been like thousands of years ago show that seasons determine where humans can survive.For example,the Bushmen of Southwest Africa live in a consistent climate.They move five or six times a year,but never travel more than ten to twelve miles.On the other hand,the Gidjingalis Aborigines in nothern Australia eat water lilies from full swamps during the wet season,but move to another area during dry season to hunt yam and geese.The Netsilik lnuit living in Canada use their environmental surroundings for all the necessities of life.Their houses are made from snow and ice while their clothing,kayaks,sledges, and tents are made from animal skin.Their tools and weapons made from bones and in the winter are used for seal hunting.In the summer the lnuit hunt caribou and fish for survival.While hunting did cause a strain on some ecosystems,as Clive Ponting states in his book,A Green History of the World:the Environment and the Collapse of Great Civilizations,"all gathering and hunting groups seem to have tried to control their numbers so as not to overtax the resources of their ecosystem.

Even though early humans attempted to not be burdens of their ecosystem,Ponting does point out that "the most dramatic impact that gathering and hunting groups had on their environment though was through hunting animals."Most animals were defenseless against this new predation and overhunting was widespread problem especially since many groups of hunters tended to concentrate on one specific species.In some areas with a lack of plant variety,early humans began to kill large herds of bison and other large animals in very crude and wasteful ways such as luring them off cliffs or into canyons."The changing environment put the greatest strain on these large animals,but hunting by humans would have had a devastating impact on a population already in decline and may have tipped the balance between extinction and survival."

Climate changes definitely played a role in the civilizations of early humans.At the end of the last glaciation period when temperatures were relatively stable,scientists theorize that humans adopted agriculture.The better climate means more resources and vegetation available for humans;therefore,the small mobile groups could begin to reside in one area.Agriculture was a turning point in early human life because humans began to alter their surroundings for survival.The relationship between early humans and their environment is extremely complex.On the other hand,the blossoming of early humans directly caused the extinction or near-extinction of many species as well as possibly affecting the atmosphere and climate.

Islam and Jihad


The Arabic word Jihad literally means "holy struggle". It is not holy war.War is war.No war can be holy.The blood of humans is holy and sacred.The Quran says unjust killing of one man means the killing of the whole mankind.What is just killing and what is unjust killing.When somebody kills a man without any reason or justification it is unjust killing.When the judge gives the capital punishment to his murderer and issues the order of his death,it is a just killing.Similarly,when a war is thrust upon you and you become the victim of persecution and aggression,you are permitted to defend yourselves and kill the invaders or perpetrators.There are some Muslims who believe in Jihad in the name of aversion and conversion.They have aggression attitude.Such extremists divide the world in two blocs.The House of Peace and the House of War.Wherever there is no Is;lam as a code of system of life it is House of War and we should crusade for the enforcement of Islamic way of life and change it in to the House of peace.Such ideology has created immense problems for the Muslims world over.

In Islam Jihad is of three types.The struggle of Tongue;the struggle by Pen and the struggle by Sword.So far as religion is concerned the Quran time and against announces peaceful preaching through exhortation,love,logic,mercy and example.No where the Quran has said that the people of other faiths should be killed or forcibly converted.In Sura Al-Nahl in verse 125 the Quran says, "Invite (all) to the way of Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious;For thy Lord knoweth best,who has strayed from His path, and who receive guidance."The Jihad by Tongue and Pen means that you preach your ideas and ideology with logic and love.Do not hurt other feelings.Do not sow the seeds of hatred and discord in the name of God.The Quran announces the whole of humankind as one community.We are the members of one human family.Believers are human beings.God sent prophets with books not with swords and guns.Noah,Abraham,Moses,Jesus and Mohammad gave us law and code of life.All preached brotherhood,justice,freedom,equality and peace.The prophets were the greatest champions of human rights.They boldly revolted against the tyrants,oppressors and aggressors.

In Surah "The Woman" it is clearly mentioned that Jihad is only and only against terrorists and aggressors.It is not against peaceful civilians of any country,creed,clan or class.Let us all respect each other's ideas and ideologies.Let inter-faith dialogue be encouraged.The spirit of co-ordination and co-existence is the spirit of Islam.The extremists and terrorists must be either educated or eliminated.The coming centuries must see divinity through humanity.Humanity must be our message and mission.The monarchs,the dictators,the tyrants,the despots and the transgressor must be eliminated,not be innocent,docile and defenseless civilians of any faith.Nobody can be permitted to spill the blood of any human in the name of faith or crusade.

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