Essay on Technology

Technology is,by definition, the practical application of knowledge.It is the systematic treatment of art and science.Our new science is circular in its motivation.The proclivity only grows more definite as it kindles consecutively greater aspirations.Perhaps it is a desire,whether technical or ethical, to leave something here that is greater than before.Now the world is thriving,dominated by computers and electronic intelligence that will leave a path for our heir's advancement into the unknown in search of broader horizons that even we dreamed of.The desires to assist the next generation with success and in turn, assist them in discovering consequential uses of their own art and science.
Advances in technology range from cell phones and laptops to great macro computers used in the most detrimental and delicate of military operations.While these technological advances are speeding along the evolution of man's industrial greatness,some people believe that they are greatly impeding the fostering of emotional and psychological integrity among the human race.Perhaps we lose touch from behind screens and bolt irresponsibly through moral challenges at the speed of light with faceless services such as E-mail and the Internet.Jobs once performed by muscle and sinew, are now performed by streamlined computers produced by computers produced by computers.Through the vital exterior of metal and computer chips, the United States stands more for innovation and simplification than ever before, breaking new ground in the accomplishments of mankind.Economic growth caused by new and profound technology has sparked mass productivity and international competitiveness.Bringing with it morally demanding questions, which possibly bury the clever, however acquiescent, human being in their own intelligence.
This fear of technology overtaking its creators has been exploited in movies and television, making them as real as possible to the person who has lost their job to the next wonder of modern machinery.While efficiency is key, it is sometimes mislabeled as a problem.A problem that eradicates the small "mom and pop" businesses that this country is built upon.But, while fashioned upon the patriotic characteristics of the hard work of our predecessors, the aggressive expansion of our country's commerce is one of our greatest achievements yet .We've not forgotten the values that made us great.America is now a nation respected as a computer driven industry as well as one that strives to base its business on legitimate and ethical practices.
Despite the lack of physical contact, new ideas revolutionize day to day living, proving that we are a country of entrepreneurs, new age "mom and pop" businesses ourselves.With the availability of information increasing every day, our knowledge has expanded eons above what our parents thought the future would hold.We have access to facts and opinions on almost every subject known to man.The definition of the so-called "average person" has expanded to include present day technology.With information provided from Internet, we can recreate ancient crimes, participate in a worldwide exploration, and read about a new species of mammals discovered yesterday,Few of us can say we lack Internet services,cell phones, and an enduring, if not ethnocentric, interest in the quest for the greatest accomplishment, technology that will lead us to a greater understanding about the planet we live on and our place in this world.The remaining question becomes, "Do I fear less because I know more?" Or "Do I fear more because I know more?"
Through our modern day miracles of science we are able to appreciate that which is truly an incredible era of advanced erudition and self-sufficiency.Because of the advantages of modern day technology, we are allowed the unique benefit of looking back on what was and comparing it with what is and what could be.Technology is no longer seen as a barrier, but as as breakthrough.Bringing fresh insight and offering better jobs to those who are willing to take step towards the future.