Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Domestic Violence

<br /> Essay on Domestic Violence best for 14th August's speech in English<br />

Domestic violence is present in almost every society of the world.The term can be classified on various basis.Violence against spouse,children or elderly is few of some commonly encountered cases.There are various kinds of tactics that are attacker against the victim.Physical abuse,emotional abuse,psychological abuse or deprivation,economical abuse,etc. are the most common kinds of abuses that are faced by the victims.

Domestic violence is not only a problem of the developing or under developed countries.It is very much prevalent in developed countries also.Domestic violence is a reflection of our pseudo-civilized society.There is no place of violence in the civilized world.But the number of cases that are reported every year raise a high alarm.And this is not the complete picture,as;most of the cases go unregistered or unnoticed in everyday life.This is a very dangerous trend creeping in our society and has to be dealt with iron hands.

Women and children are often the soft targets.In Indian society the situation is really gruesome.A significant number of deaths are taking place on daily basis,as a result of domestic violence only.Illiteracy,economical dependency on men folk and the otherwise male dominated society is some of the attributing factors to the problem.Dowry is one of the leading causes that results in violence against the newly-wed brides.Physically assaulting women,making horrendous remarks and depriving them of basic humanly rights are often showcased in mainly parts of the country.Similarly,children are also made the target of this inhuman behavior.

Serious in-sighting is required in the matter.The double standards and hypocrisy of the society members is evident in such matters.Many times,the abuser is either psychotic in behavior or requires psychological counseling for this errant behavior.But generally domestic violence is a result of cumulative irresponsible behavior demonstrated by a section of the society.Not only the abuser is the main culprit but those who are allowing it to happen and behave like a mute spectator are the partners of the crime.Recently,in India,to cope with the situation,a campaign called "bell bajao" was launched.The main motive of the campaign was to motivate the individuals of the society the raise their voice against the domestic violence happening in home and around.The campaign was a big hit and successfully managed to draw the attention of crowds towards this issue.

Government has also made and enforced domestic violence act.The rules and regulations have been introduced in section 498-A of Indian Penal Code.Law gives an effective shelter and deals strictly with the culprits.But making a law is not sufficient.People will have to awake and arise.They have to be told about their rights and duties.Every human being deserves the basic honor and respect.No one is entitles to take law in his hands.Besides,the law enforcement,domestic violence have deeper roots.It is the mentality of the society that covets an overhauling.Society is in-turn nothing but the constitution of individuals.Every individual should make the necessary amendments and the society will change.It is the high time to raise voice against the injustice happening to self and others.Domestic violence has no place in the modern society and should be strongly dealt with.

Gender Roles in Society

<br /> Gender Roles in Society for 14th August<br />

Society places ideas concerning proper behaviors regarding gender roles.Over the years,I noticed that society's rule sand expectations for men and women are very different.Men have standards and specific career goals that we must live up to according to how others judge.

Career goals are based on predetermined ideas of gender roles.I have been more than qualified for many jobs,but have lost them to women who are less capable.Jobs such as retail often choose over men due to a stereotypical idea that women are more affable than men.

Members of this society must learn what the appropriate way for them to behave is and what to expect of themselves and others.Growing up,gender roles were set on me as I played with fire trucks and cars,and my sisters played with Barbie's.The types of movies we watched were different and the types of books we read also different.It would be thought of as bizarre for me,a male,to cry during Titanic,or to read Cinderella.

Going through my years in high school,I noticed that the guys who played sports got more attention than the ones who did not.We are expected to be athletic and good in many sports.Playing a musical instrument or acting was thought of as feminine and that idea made it difficult for many males to be involved in those activities.

Being a man,I have to be strong and tough through many situations.We cannot how many of our feelings like woman do because we will be considered weak.When my great grandfather died about four years ago,my sisters and many mothers crying,but my father,my brother and I were expected to stay strong and not cry.Although I wanted to break down,I held it in due to expectation my family and other people had for me as a man.Women and men are allocated to a gender role and we all must act out the masculine or feminine behavior as arranged by our society and our culture.Femininity is usually associated with traits such as emotionality,cautiousness,collaboration,common sense, and fulfillment.Masculinity tends to be associated with traits such as reasonableness,effectiveness,opposition,independence and callousness.I find my self automatically living up to those traits.Trying to live up those qualities and expectations are the reason I have been working since I was fifteen years old.In my culture,the male is dominant over the woman.We are expected to maintain a status higher than a woman in the home and in our jobs.Accordingly,women expect a lot from us.We must bring home a high figure salary and we must be able to support our family.Ar home scene I ma the only son still living with the family,I am expected to contribute to the house by giving my mother at least one hundred dollars a month.

Gender comprises the heart of our self-conception and much of our actions and manners for the rest of lives.They play a major role in all of our lives.


<br /> Homelessness as said Quaid-e-Azam<br />

Imagine feeling lost and not knowing what to do or where to go.You spend each night in the musky weather on a bench,which you call your bed.As you wake up to the chattering noises each morning you decide which public place will allow you to clean yourself up.When you get hungry,you beg people for change to eat a cheap meal or you search the nearest garbage can.For the rest of the day you sit in the city hoping people for notice you and want to help out.Knowing that you are not judged by who you are but what you are,you realize that most people in society don't understand homelessness, and wonder if the circumstances in homelessness will ever change.

Throughout the world it is impossible to count the exact amount of homeless,but it is known to be millions.Every day in cities and towns across the country,men,women, and children dressed in rags walk the streets,often talking to visions and begging for money.Most are carrying plastic bags or pushing shopping carts filled with personal belongings.Sometimes they curl up on a bunch or in a doorway under filthy blankets or ragged coats.If someone gives them money they may respond with prayers of thanks and blessings,or stare off into space feeling untouched by efforts to help.These people are called homeless,although they are more than just people without homes.Most people in our society think the dirty,smelling homeless show signs of drug addictions.Other smell like alcohol,which shows their drunkenness."The homeless people who choose to do such things set a bad example for the other homeless individuals who truly need help."Some people in society may feel sad when questioned by panhandlers;others feel anger or even fear."Although,we must know that different people with different reasons are either at risk of becoming homeless or are just plain homeless.Nevertheless,we must help,support and provide for the needy instead of being greedy.

Homeless is a condition where people do not have legal access to adequate housing.It has been known by community researches as "a social problem,caused by a weak economy,whereas homelessness will continue to increase."It has also caused cuts in federal aid for housing and income assistance.The homeless have supervised public or private operated homes known as shelters created for temporary living or sleeping.It is a condition away from all support systems that usually provide help in times of need,which means to be alone,is known to be homeless.Being poor means an illness,an accident away from living on the streets."If we do research and discover the situation of homelessness,we will learn that there are many reasons."Two major causes of homelessness,which are held most responsible of the growth in homeless throughout the past fifteen to twenty years is the shortage of affordable rental housing and increase in the poverty levels.Homeless and poverty relate by being poor and unable to pay for housing,food,childcare,health care and education.

Honesty is the Best Policy

<br /> Essay on Honesty is the Best Policy<br />

Honesty is the best policy is very famous proverb however most effective to be followed in everyone's life.Students are generally got this topic to write something in their school in the exams or any competition like like essay writing competition.

Honesty is the best policy means being honest and true all through the life even in bad situations is considered as honesty is the best policy.According to the saying of honesty is the best policy,one should be loyal and tell the truth always in his/her life while answering to any question or dilemma to anyone.Being honest,loyal and true in the life provides mental peace to the person.An honest person becomes always happy and peaceful because he/she does not have to live with the guilt.Being honest with everyone in our life help us to get mind peace because we do not have to remember the lie which we have told to people in order to save us.

Being honest help others to always trust on us and show our real character to them which is enough to let them know that we always tell the truth.Being trustworthy helps us to build a strong relationship by assuring others about our trustworthy nature.On the other hand,people who are dishonest never get second chance once they tell lie to people.It happens because people think that they will always be cheated in future by the dishonest person through lot of white lies.Honesty is like a good weapon in the life which benefits us through many advantages and it can be developed naturally without any cost.Honesty gives us everything expected in the life whereas a single lie may ruin our life by ruining relationships.Being a lie person may lose our all privileges of being trustworthy in the hearth of our family members,friends, and other close ones.So following the saying of honesty is the best policy in the life is good.

Honesty is the best policy is a famous saying said by the Benjamin Franklin.Honesty is considered as the best tool of success in the life and a famous person said it as a backbone of the successful relationship which has capability to form a well developed society.Without being honest in the life,it becomes very tough to make real and trustworthy friendship or love bond with anyone.People who are generally used of telling truth can be able to build better relationships and thus better world.Some people who do not have dare of telling truth to their dear ones,generally tell lie and face bad situations of being dishonest.On the other hand,saying truth helps in strengthening out character and makes us strong.So,being honest helps us a lot in many ways all through the life.Honesty is the most effective tool of protecting the relationships.

Telling lies just to save the situation can make the condition more worse.Saying truth always helps us to strengthen the character as well as bring confidence with us.There are many bad and good situations in the life and I think almost all of us have been felt that telling truth to our dear ones gives us relief and happiness.So,according to this saying,being honest is really being a good human being in the life.


<br /> Nature Essay for Independence day<br />

We live on the most beautiful planet.Earth which has very clean and attractive nature full of greenery.Nature is our best friend which provides us all the resources to live here.I gives us water to drink,pure air to breath,food to eat,land to stay,animals,plants for our other uses,etc for our betterment.We should fully enjoy the nature without disturbing its ecological balance.We should care our nature,make it peaceful,keep it clean and prevent it from the destruction so that we can enjoy our nature forever.Nature is a most precious gift given by the God to us to enjoy but not to harm.

Nature is the most beautiful and attractive surrounding around us which make us happy and provide us natural environment to live healthy.Our nature provides us variety of beautiful flowers,attractive birds,animals,green plants,blue sky,land,running rivers,sea,forests,air,mountains,valleys,hills, and many more things.Our God has created a beautiful nature for the healthy living of us.All the things we use for our living are the assets of nature which we should not spoil and damage.

We should not destroy the originally of the nature and should not imbalance the ecosystem cycle.Our nature provides us beautiful environment to live and enjoy so it is our responsibility to keep it clean and away from all the damages in the modern era,many selfish and bad activities of the human being have disturbed the nature to a great extent.But we all should try to maintain our nature's beauty.

The nature is everything around us which surrounds us with beautiful environment.We see and enjoy it every moment.We observe natural changes in it,hear it and feel it everywhere.We should take full advantage of the nature and go out of home for the morning walk daily to breath pure air and enjoy morning beauty of nature.All though the daily it changes it beauty like in the morning when sun sets it again becomes dark orange and then light dark.

The nature has everything for us but we do not have anything for it even we are destroying its property day by day to just fulfill our selfish wishes.In the modern technological world lots of inventions are getting launched daily without its advantage and disadvantage to the nature.It is our responsibility to save the declining assets of our nature to make possible the existence of life forever on the earth.If we do not take any step towards nature conservation,we are keeping our future generations at danger.We should understood its worth and value and try to maintain its natural shape.


<br /> Superb Essay on Obesity for Pakistan's Independence day<br />

Did you know that over one-half of all Americans;approximately 97 millions;are overweight or obese?Obesity is a condition of excess body fat.Obesity can affect any person from young children to older adults.There are many causes of obesity such as over-eating,genetics,hormones,the environment, and lack of physical activity.There are many effects of obesity like health issues,depression,eating disorders, and death.There are also many solutions to obesity such as dieting,medication,exercise, and even surgery.Obesity tends to run in families,implying genetic factors.The search for an obesity gene is complicated because families also tend to share eating habits and lifestyle habits.In one study,however adults who were adopted as children were found to have weights closer to their biological parents than to their adopted parents.In this case,the person's genetic make up had more influence on the development of obesity than the environment in the adoptive home.Other research has shown than often normal weight children of obese parents have a lower metabolic rate that normal weight children of non-obese parents.Again,this suggests that obesity can also be inherited.Many studies have found a genetic link to obesity,showing the pattern of deposition of fat.This is the way the fat builds up around the body, and the degree of being overweight can both be inherited.Body shape,for example,generally falls into one of three categories-exomorphs,endomorphs, or mesomorphs.The slighter frames of ectomorphs reflect a low capacity of fat storage.

Endomorphs have the most fat-storage capacity.Mesomorphs have an ability to store fat that falls somewhere in between.Fat storage is also more evenly distributed.These are stereotype body shapes.Most people are a combination of two of all three.It is undoubtful whether a person's body shape and fat distribution is sufficient enough to cause obesity.

In her book,The Hungry Gene,Ellen Shell promoted the idea that leptin may be one of the causes of obesity.Leptin is a naturally occurring hormone that controls the appetite.When full,fat cells release the hormone leptin,it curbs the appetite.If leptin production is changed,the fat cells are unable to signal that they are full and weight gain occurs.Research into leptin is just beginning.A small minority of cases of obesity can be explained by gland or hormonal problems.One such problem is clinical hypothyroidism.This is where there is not enough thyroid hormone to control normal rates of metabolism.Sex hormones can also affect obesity.In women,body fat levels during adolescence,pregnancy and menopause are determined by the balance of the female sex.Weight is also affected by gender.

Time Management

<br /> Superb essay for 14th August speech on Time management<br />

Time management creates a false impression.Time cannot be managed;it can only be controlled by each individual person and the way time is directed.Scheduling is extremely important when it comes to managing the use of time.It is important to use time wisely.When time is managed and organized wisely;it can make the difference between a productive day and a very hectic day.Using time management during an ordinary day can help reduce stress and simple life .Without have a plan on how to manage time,it can create stress in life and also forgetting important dates and deadlines.By not having some type of organization in life it will create chaos and will seem as if there is not enough time in one day to complete daily tasks.Every day will be a challenge to complete and it will be less productive.By no having an organized method to complete a day;it can result in frustration,stress, and not being able to accomplish much.

Not making good use of time can affect people in many different ways.In general the days of the week can be very hectic and tiresome.A lot of frustration is usually the result of poor time management.Every day need to perform daily task swill be executed with much more difficulty ad not very much will get done.Life without any form of organization is very stressful and less productive.Time is what everyone does not have enough of.There are only twenty four hour sin one day is just not enough.It is very easy to come to that conclusion when people go through daily responsibilities without a plan.Once a plan is made and a day is organized people will instantly see the benefits of time management.Most of the frustrating situations can be avoided with effective planning and organizing techniques.

Many people face the troubling issue of time management.In most cases the lack of time someone has to complete a task is due to the lack of prioritizing.Others have trouble tackling daily task because of the fact that they try to take on too many task at one time,and finally there are some people that just waste their time doing nothing just because of pure laziness.Now more than ever time in becoming on of our most valued resources that are wasted because people don't know how to properly manage their time wisely.In every aspect of life people are doing things that really have no value at all.Walking through a dorm on a week night you can find several students sitting around playing video games when at the same time they have a paper or assignment due the next day,you can also find employees sitting around the office playing solitaire or writing emails while productive work should be getting done.Time management is a skill that can be learned, and when done so can make life less stressful and productive.


<br /> ESSAY ON VOLUNTEERING for 14th August's speech<br />

Volunteering Definitions

1.a person who voluntarily himself or herself for a service or undertaking.
2.a person who performs a service willingly and without pay.
3.Military.a person who enters the service voluntarily rather than through conscription or draft,especially for special or temporary service rather than as a member of the regular or permanent army.

Volunteering gives you an opportunity to change people's lives,including your own.It gives you the satisfaction of playing a role in someone else's life,helping people who may not be to help themselves.Volunteering is a way of giving back to your community while developing important social skills, and gaining valuable work experience all at the same time.

Benefits of Volunteering

Volunteering is good for your mind and body.Volunteering provides many benefits to both mental and physical health.Volunteering increases self-confidence.Volunteering can provide a healthy boost to your self-confidence,self-esteem, and life satisfaction.

But how can I get a job if all they want is experience,you ask?That's where volunteering comes in.If you are looking for work,volunteering is a good way to gain experience and references for your course of life.Many people work unpaid in order to gain experience in very competitive fields such as television,but some people may not describe them as volunteers.Well then,what exactly is "volunteering"?Many would describe it as any unpaid job,which involves spending time doing something that aims to benefit others.In that case,volunteering at an animal hospital,for instance,would be a great opportunity.We have all seen the stories on TV about animal sin need.This is where you take charge of your life and contribute a little of your time and energy into helping others.You are bound to get more out of it than you put in.

There are so many beneficial ways of getting involved in and giving back to your community.Not only is volunteering a rewarding experience,but it helps teenagers' reputations.By giving up a few hours of your day to clean up the local community park,you may bring a lifetime of happiness in some child's life.Or provide shelter and warmth to a family who lives on the streets by volunteering to help in building them a home.Why not spend a little time helping others,because in the end,what goes around comes around.Volunteering i snot only effective,but it is a good way to meet people,learn, and learn social skills.

Volunteering is important for numerous reasons that benefit both the community and the volunteer themselves.When someone donates a handful of time,the difference made is tremendous and it shapes a community for the better while the experience improves the person who donated the time.

Importance of Respect

<br /> Best topic for speeches on 14th August on importance of Respect <br />

Respect and Leadership go together.
You can't have one without the other.
Therefore,it is important to know how to gain respect and to maintain morale with good leadership skills.

Respect is a very broad term when people use it.What is the definition of respect?When I looked it up in the dictionary,I found out the dictionary definition is: to show regard or admiration of something or someone.I see respect as a universal characteristic.Respect to me, is a way of showing someone that you think highly of them and well,respect them!Respect is a very important part of life.If a person is respected,it makes him fell good and in return,he or she respects you.Respect is important to me because if a person didn't respect anyone,he himself would not be admired, and over time,he would grow up to be a very rude and inconsiderate person.Rudeness and kindness are also two very big components of respect.If you are rude to people or a person,you are disrespectful.If you are purposely mean or nasty to people,you are disrespectful.Respecting teaching such as Mr.Wellman is a very important part of education and life.Teachers fell good when they are respected and tend to be less grumpy and nicer during the day.Respect is also important in today's society.If you want a job and go give an interview for one,and you are rude to the boss and are throwing beanbags at people while he is addressing you,you will never get the job.Bosses like respectfulness because they know you will be a good member of their company by helping others and working with others.This is also the way it works with teachers.Just think about it.If you were teaching a class, and no one is even paying attention to you,if kids are throwing stuff around in the corner,will you not fell frustrated?More than frustrated,I would feel quite upset and very angry.I would feel like I am wasting my time teaching a bunch of disrespectful,rude people at the bottom of society.What does the teacher have to lose?He still gets his paycheck whether you learn or not.If you don't pay attention and learn,you're at loss.

To respect someone is to value that person's ideas,feelings,space, or privacy.We show respect by listening to people and trying to follow their wishes when it comes to their feelings and body.It is important to respect others but it is also very important to respect yourself by staying in control of yourself and telling people when they are making you uncomfortable.

American revolution and its aftermath

AMERICAN REVOLUTION AND ITS AFTERMATH The American Revolution marked the divorce of the British Empire and its one of the most valued...