Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Natural Disasters

<br /> Natural Disasters<br />

Natural disasters or catastrophes can be controlled up to a point, and most of us often fell helpless before them.A natural disaster is an unexpected event such as a violent storm,flood,earthquake,lightening,the attack of locusts(winged insects attacking fields in very large numbers) and the spread of diseases from birds or animals (bird flu, etc.). When lightening strikes a moving ship,plane,building,or a number of people anywhere,it is considered to be a natural disaster.

We witnessed natural disasters one after another in 2004 and 2005.There was a series of massive Asian tsunamis (attack of sea waves) in South-East Asia which were the result of earthquakes.They shook and moved islands,hit seacoasts and caused thousands of deaths and large-scale destruction.Then there were very heavy floods and rainfall in Balochistan that caused a large number of deaths and extensive damage to dams,roads, and fields.In line with these disasters was the earthquake of 2005 in our northern areas that caused uncountable deaths and large-scale destruction.Whole villages,towns and cities were wiped out and tens of thousands of people got killed or made homeless.The mighty storm that hit the US in 2005,name Katrina, was no less destructive.

Now the question arises:what can we do to protect ourselves from natural disasters of the above kind?Firstly,we should have advance warning systems for storms and floods.We can then make timely preparations to face them.Secondly,there is urgent need to start research on the changes under the surface of the earth for earthquake predictions or forecasts.

When forecasts for earthquakes or natural disasters are not possible,we should all the available resources to face them.The government and the people should join hands and make plans for immediate help to disaster-affected people.All countries of the world should get together to help the affected people and countries.The UN and other world agencies can arrange and supervise the rehabilitation work.This did happen in the case of the tsunamis,Katrina and our earthquake most prominently.

,p>The world should set up disaster information centers in each of the five continents.The advanced countries should offer knowledge and resources to these centers for forecasts of all kinds of natural disasters.They should have arrangements of money,food,clothing,house-killing, and vehicles for ready help.The countries themselves should have information and assistance centers in all their provinces.

The developing countries like ours should attend to the education of all the people o the most modern lines educated and trained people can better face natural disasters intelligently and successfully.

The Modern Civilization

<br /> BEST ESSAY<br />

A civilization is a "highly organized society with complex institutions and attitudes that link a large number of people together."Thus,our modern societies are well organized with complex system of the police,the army,the civil service,agriculture,industry,business,education,means of communication,telecommunications,the mass media,medicine,engineering,science,commerce,defense arrangements and so on.The populations in big and small villages,tons,cities and countries are living a "civilized" life according to the means available to them.Culture particularly is the totality of beliefs ,religious and artistic activities and thoughts in a society.Thus,the religious,literacy,artistic and philosophical patterns of thought and behavior determine the cultural refinement of a particularly society.

We cannot disregard the facilities and conveniences of life that are available all around.Electricity and now atomic energy have changed the whole pattern of life.Our homes and streets are well lighted, and we have changed the darkness of night into the brightness of day.We have all sorts of electronic appliances to provide entertainment at home.Atomic energy gives us cheap electric power to run factories and ships at ease.So do we have thousands of inventions like the car and airplane,the computer,the tractor and tube-well engine and medicines and surgical instruments that have given us pleasures and comforts that a hundred years ago were only dreams.

Modern civilization in the advanced West is not an unmixed blessing.The cleverness of the advanced people has gone too far in using the scientific and mechanical facilities for the development of weapons of mass destruction.There is the rise of modern imperialism(domination of one country or countries by another country or countries),which means control of the natural resources and political and economic policies of the less developed countries by the more developed ones.

The developed countries themselves have distance themselves greatly from moral and spiritual values in their zeal to advance materially,mechanically and scientifically.Their dependence on the ways of modern civilization,which means speed in worldly progress,has made them give up the old precious values of selfless devotion to a life of worship and prayer,love for other human beings and objects of nature.

While the constant threat of diseases like aids and cancer looms large and the danger of a nuclear war constantly hangs over the developed world,the development of modern civilization sometimes appear to be meaningless.Surely,if the world wants to enjoy and relish the sweet fruits of modern civilization,it will have to create a situation when:
(1)All the countries or societies are equally developed,(2)when science and machinery are used positively and beneficially, and (3)when the old moral and spiritual values of all societies are practices freely.

Privatization and Nationalization-What to Choose?

<br /> Economics related Essay<br />

Privatization or denationalization means selling public assets to individuals or private business interests.Nationalization means the taking over of private assets by the state or government.Wide-scale nationalization started in the country in 1972.Shipping companies,private factories,production centers,educational institutions,hospitals, etc. were nationalized.In 1978, the government started the denationalization program under the guidance of the World Bank,the International Monetary Fund and US experts.

Western economists claim that "private ownership brings greater efficiency and more rapid growth."According to them,privatization also increases production and lower costs.It promotes economic activity.The individual get interested in earning more through work and investment.The supporters of nationalization say that the government fixes the prices to the benefit of the people.The factories,schools,hospitals, etc. and services owned by the people or the State cannot overcharge for profit.Most organizations like the post office,telephone and railways run for the public good,not for personal benefit.We can see China where most industries,farms and educational institutions are run on socialistic principles.

Our experience in nationalization and privatization is a mixed one.A famous private industrial and mechanical company,called the Beco (Batala Engineering Company) was nationalized in the 1970s.After nationalization,it was the Pso,a failed company,whose products were no more first rate.It began running into losses.However,there were public owned units that were running on profitable basis with encouraging results,for example,the Ptcl,Habib Bank and Pso(Pakistan State Oil). The government-controlled colleges and schools that got autonomy or self-control became highly expensive.Unwanted universities sprang up adding confusion to disorder.

For security and national purposes,we need to have state-run organizations.For example,the State Bank of Pakistan (that controls all bank),the Pakistan Ordnance Factories,the Pakistan Steel Mills and the public hospitals in all big cities should be owned publicly.We must have state-run TV channels,post offices and an airline or two to run or work free of private interference.We know that currency,foreign affairs and defense have to be under the exclusive control of the federal government for purposes of security and secrecy.Likewise,most key industries and institutions have to be under government control.No one can ask for the privatization of military training colleges,seaports and airports.

We should favor privatization when it is to benefit of the people.When different companies compete with each other to produce better goods at cheaper rates,private ownership is acceptable.When there is no need for competition, and the state can produce cheaper gods,government ownership is preferable.

The Third World

<br /> the developing countries<br />

The developing or under-developed countries of Asia,Africa and Latin make up the Third World.Most of them had been colonies of the advanced European countries before gaining their independence.The First World,understandably,is that of the developed countries now led by the US and the Second of the advanced countries formerly led by Communist Russia together with China.

The economic and social conditions of the Third World countries are far from satisfactory.The majority of the people are uneducated and backward.Different forms of special evils are widespread."Dust,dirt and poverty" are to be found all around (except of course in some modern or fashionable areas of these countries,mostly in the cities).

A poor developing country exports most of its raw materials to the advanced countries.It imports machinery and technology from them at high prices.It buys expensive weapons from them that become outdated quite soon.Except for some oil-exporting countries,almost all the developing states are economically ill or even on the economic deathbed.

In most of the developing countries,both agricultural and industry are in bad shape.Old methods of agriculture are in use.There is shortage of capital and trained manpower,as a result,industrial and agricultural development is slow.

Overpopulation and unemployment go hand in hand in a poor developing country.A great many educated and trained people leave the country for employment in a rich developing country or in a developed country, and there is a serious brain drain(movement of highly-skilled people to other countries for better earnings).

The political systems of most developing countries are either dictatorial or duplicates of some western democracies or have been replaced by semi-dictatorial systems.They need able,honest and patriotic civilian leaders to run political institutions and to make democracy a possibility.

The Big Powers find it easy to influence the political and economic policies of the developing states.They play one weak state against another for their purposes.

Modern,effective methods should replace the outdated methods of agriculture in these developing countries.Industrial development should be fast.National industries should use most of the raw materials produced within the country.

The people of the Third World should be educated on a vast scale.Higher and technical education should be given on modern lines.There should be social justice and equal opportunities for all.

The importance of scientific research


Research means systematic or careful search for facts of knowledge or new facts in a subject.Research may be done:(i)To increase our knowledge in a particular subject after having studied in its basic details.(ii)To discover new facts or invent something.Scientific research has these two aims in a very clear way.

Students of science start their research work after learning the basic details of their subjects.Thus,proper research work in the sciences is after B.Sc. or M.Sc.Students who are very devoted to scientific work should get busy with research.

Scientific research is the highest form of scientific study.In it a student or scholar of science concentrates on a definite field or branch of a subject.He may come to specialize in this subject during his research.

We should provide all kinds of research facilities to our science students and scholars.We should have a large number of laboratories with enough modern scientific apparatus or equipment for experimentation and research.

In fact,scientific research is the basis of all real scientific,industrial and agricultural progress.Science students reading new book on their subjects and performing experiments in definite fields of study work for scientific progress.

It has been possible to make peaceful uses of nuclear energy through scientific research.Scientists did a lot of research to know the ways of using atomic energy in atomic reactors to produce electricity,run ships on the sea,etc.However,at first nuclear energy was put to destructive use after a great deal of scientific research.

It will be to the benefit of the entire world if scientific research is pursued for peaceful,constructive purposes alone.

Madressah education in pakistan


The madressahs or seminaries in Pakistan are about 13000 with over fifteen lac students.

Now is the time for the madressahs to have their aims:(a)true Islamic and moral education applicable to all Muslims,(b)a good working knowledge of English and the basic physical and social sciences,(c)physical education involving bodily exercises and games if possible,(d)development of a vision of life based on the ideals of intellectual and social progress,cooperation and mutual help.

How to function.A seminary should function under an administration that is well educated and is above all sects and divisions in society.The academic classes in it should take place regularly.The students should attend them with interest and study in libraries for long hours.Books on subjects like the Holy Quran and fiqh and other religions,information technology,the physical and social sciences and standard newspapers and magazines from all over the world should be freely available.

Broad Islamic and moral education is important,but education in the languages and professional fields is important,too.For this purpose,modern education should be provided and able teachers should be employed from here and abroad.

Politics and the collection of arms and ammunition should not be allowed in any of our seminaries.We have a very huge army equipped with the latest weapons even when large-scale wars in the presence of nuclear weapons are becoming obsolete.Our students in educational institutions need the armor of knowledge and thought.Let them join the armed forces or political parties afterwards if they desire.Now they need to be prepared to live as true Muslims,to earn well and to meet the challenges of life ably and effectively.

OUR SUGGESTION.Learned scholars in all fields of knowledge,in schools,colleges and universities,should be associated with the teaching and training programs of the seminaries.Their syllabi and educational programs should be prepared by religious scholars and professional teachers of good repute together.Funds should be provided by the government,capitalists,landowners and business people for the efficient running of the seminaries,and they should be strictly and regularly audited.Efforts should be made to convert the present texture and composition of our seminaries into institutions of higher learning contributing to the growth,strengthening and establishment of our families and society on strong moral,economic, and creative lines for a glorious future.

"Not to hang our heads in shame beside the advanced and flourishing
But to live honorably and rise deservedly to the highest regions of glorious success"

The disadvantages of illiteracy

<br /> BSC BEST ESSAY<br />

Illiteracy is a curse for any nation or country.It has no advantages at all.Its disadvantages are many.

The first great disadvantages of illiteracy is that uneducated people cannot gain any knowledge through books,magazines or newspapers.They cannot learn anything new through reading,This means that they are at a great disadvantage as compared to educated people.Educated people can easily learn all they like from books and writings or lecture or discussions.Thus they are able and wiser.

The second great disadvantage of illiteracy people cannot know well about their rights and duties in society.They cannot easily understand the laws of the country,the politics of the government and the programs of different political parties.It has been well said that illiterate people do not know how to use their democratic rights.They cannot wisely elect their representatives in general elections.They can easily be misled by slogans of politicians.

Perhaps the greatest handicap of illiterate or uneducated people is that they cannot make much progress in life.They cannot get good government jobs and cannot join the armed forces.They cannot very well run shops or take part in trade or industry.Illiterate villagers cannot easily learn the ways of advanced or modern farming, and so remain poor and backward.They go on using the old,outdated method of tilling fields,sowing and reaping crops.Thus they cannot add to food production so much.They can really make quick progress by getting educated.

The country or nation,as a whole,cannot make proper and quick progress if the majority of its people are illiterate or uneducated.Only properly educated people can promote the agriculture,trade and industry of the country in suitable ways.Scientists,engineers,doctors,scholars,philosophers,writers,poets and artists arise out of educated and literate people.Illiterate people can at the most work,with their hands or do"manual" labor,thinking less and struggling more.They cannot so well make use of their minds or intelligence.

We should make the best efforts to educate the illiterate people.The government and the educated people should work together to bring illiteracy to an end.Illiteracy promotes backwardness and thrusts us behind the less advanced nation seven.Religious,social,cultural,scientific and economic progress on the modern lines are impossible without a high level of universal education.

Causes of students' failure in examinations


We all know how many students fail in different Board and University examinations each year.Surely,many more fail than the few who gain high positions and divisions, and the majority is of second and third-division holders.The pass percentage of most of the Matriculation,Intermediate,degree and post-graduate examinations ranges between 25 and 50.

First of all,the whole social and economic system or set-up in the country is responsible for the unpreparedness of the majority of our students.Their upbringing,training and guidance at their homes are such that they are not in the habit of learning their subjects regularly.

Secondly,the activities and engagements of the parents and near relations of our students do not let them watch,attend to and guide their sons and daughter studying in different educational institutions.The inattention to their regular studies and activities makes them careless.

Thirdly,a great majority of our students do not study seriously and prepare for their examinations devotedly because of the uncertain economic conditions and the uncertain future.They know and feel that the employment opportunities after the completion of their studies,except in some subjects,are few and far between.Therefore,they do not have any strong incentive for studies.

First of all,it is the foremost duty of our government and responsible institutions to inform,educate and,if possible,train the parents of as many of our students as possible.The parents should be informed,through the mass media,about the best ways of leading their children to studies and intellectual progress.The adults then can motivate their children to study different subjects according to their liking and capacities.

Secondly,the parents should set aside time out of their daily engagements to watch educational and other activities of their children and to guide them if they can.Only through attention to their children can they hope to keep them on the right path.

Thirdly,the government and all responsible institutions in the country should try to create as many job opportunities and situations for the students as possible.For this purpose,new factories and production centers should be opened in all corners of the country.Trade,both national and foreign,should be expanded.The renewed industrial and commercial activity will create jobs for educated and qualified as well as for all manner of uneducated and unskilled workers.In this hopeful situation,students will like to study with effort,and will prepare themselves for examinations with care.

American revolution and its aftermath

AMERICAN REVOLUTION AND ITS AFTERMATH The American Revolution marked the divorce of the British Empire and its one of the most valued...