Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The infinitive,the participle & the gerund,Cloze

<br /> Grammar<br />

The infinite,the participle & the gerund
  1. The infinitive
  2. It is not limited by person or number.It is not tied to subject as the finite verb is.It is a verb with "to" before it or not:
    • She refused to answer my questions.The order was to be obeyed by all.(Passive)
  3. The participle
  4. It can be verb and adjective combined-present participle:
    • Our friends came out of the dining hall eating the food.(Eating modifies the food.)
      Driving the vehicle,he listened to songs.(Driving modifies the vehicle.)
    A participle can be a verb and adjective combined-past participle:
    • The princess bought the trained dog.(trained modifies dog.)
  5. The gerund
  6. It is verb and noun combined.
    • Teaching is enjoyable.She likes singing on wet summer mornings.
    Note.The uses of gerunds and participles:
    The gerund
    • We are playing for our success.
      They work hard on cutting down trees.
      Flying is exciting.

    The participle
    • Praying for our success,we lay down.
      Cutting down trees,they work hard.
      To fly is exciting.

Background & explanation

  1. "Cloze" was a term introduced by W.Taylor in US in 1953 to measure how far(how much) given texts could be understood or read by readers by asking them to fill in the blank spaces (in the texts).
  2. The cloze test is designed to assess feeling for the language and knowledge of detail.It is based on the idea of closure that human minds like to complete the incomplete according to the complete form in their minds given by
    (a)Their experience in society.
    (b)Their experience of watching,hearing and reading, and
    (c)Their experience of the working of the imagination.
  3. The first sentence of the passage is usually given as a basis or background for the coming sentences,and the last sentence may or may not be given.We are then required to read the passage thoroughly to fill in the blanks or missing words according to our previous understanding of the text from where the passage has been taken or our present understanding of it and our ability to reconstruct it.
  4. In regular cloze passages,every fourth,fifth or sixth or seventh or any number of word is deleted (taken out) regularly from the given text.The students are asked to provide this missing word.
  5. But,sometimes words can be deleted without regard to number(that is,any words may be deleted irregularly).
  6. All the forms of cloze tests should be clearly understood as explained later with illustrations.
The title.The title for a cloze passage,which may be suggested,if not already given,can help in a quicker understanding of the connected sentences.
Note that I'm (for I am),we're(for we are),you're(for you are),he's(for he is),they're(for they are),don't(for do not),isn't(for is not),won't(for will not),wasn't(for was not),weren't(for were not),shan't(for shall not),wouldn't(for would not),shouldn't(for should not),oughtn't(for ought not),etc. are taken as one word each.
Cloze procedures
The missing words from the given sentences or passages can be provided in one of the two ways:
  1. The exact words of the next text from which these sentences or passages are taken may be required(for the blanks).
  2. Any words that can be used meaningfully and suitably may be put in the blanks.
One blank will ordinarily admit of one word,however it can admit of more than one word or a word group.The word or words that are put in the blank
  1. must give the correct meaning in the given situation or context (must be semantically,from the point of view of meaning,correct);
  2. must be grammatically correct,that is,must be used correctly as a part of speech...noun,pronoun,verb,etc., must be syntactically,from the point of view of grammar,correct;
  3. must have the correct spelling.

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