Showing posts with label ETHICAL ESSAYS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ETHICAL ESSAYS. Show all posts

Friday, June 10, 2016

Cars - a status symbols

<br /> ABOUT CARS<br />


A road vehicle, typically with four wheels, powered by an internal-combustion engine and able to carry a small number of people.


There's three things men always talk about -women,sports, and cars
-Mario Lopez
It's a never ending battle of making your cars better and also trying to be better yourself
-Dale Earnhardt
The cars we drive say a lot about us.
-Alexander Paul
Take it easy driving - the life you save may be mine.
-James Dean
I'd been raised to be practical and keep my emotions in check, but I loved cars. That was one of the few legacies I'd picked up from my mom. She was a mechanic, and some of my best childhood memories of working in the garage with her.
-Richelle Mead, Bloodlines

Are cars just machines used for getting from point A to B, or are they more than that? Do they serve as status symbols within our society , or is society less vain than that and just view cars as a means of getting from one point to another? Were cars originally just a bunch of mechanical parts put together that have now assumed personalities and places in society that we would never have imagined in the past?

Only recently , 5 days ago at the time of writing this in fact, did I receive my license. After many hours spent driving with various people -- parents, friends and a particularly bizarre driving instructor named Hans -- and two driving tests did I finally lay my hands on a piece of paper that says I am legally allowed to drive without anyone else in the car, should I choose, Albiet, I do not, as of yet at least, have my own car, leaving me no other option than to seek permission to use one of my parents cars. As I said, I have only had my license for 5 days, but so far my parents have been fairly generous with how much freedom and usage of the car I have. This may of course change in the future, but as it stands at the moment, the car is free for my own personal use whenever it is not in use by either of my parents.

Has our view of cars changed within the past few decades? Could this change be attributed to the increase in styles, speeds, variations of cars? Within recent decades, in particular, cars have become status symbols. One can presume, correctly most of the time, who will be driving the car without even looking in the driver's seat -- some cars are almost exclusively reserved for the young -- sporty cars, small economic cars, car that have been modified -- whereas others are associated with parenthood, such as mini vans and large sedans, and yet others being associated with the elderly, usually extremely comfortable, but highly uneconomical and exuberantly large sedans.


Friday, April 29, 2016



Nearly anything will you earn you respect in the eyes of someone.But only certain things will you earn you respect in the eyes of those who are respected.It's that simple.

So, true respect is not earned of injuring oneself or breaking the law.The respect earned by that is not true and lasting, because it must be reaffirmed.It is so important for some to be respected that they would to that and more.However, the way to earn respect is to be respectful.Make it an attitude, not a thing given to a person after they have proven themselves.This way, it can not be demolished by anything but Respect is something that many people would do many things for.Some would die for it, some would endure endless pain and suffering if they thought others would respect them for it.This is seen in the many rituals of gangs and the like, which include cutting,burning, or otherwise injuring oneself, simply to earn respect from other gang members.To me, this is ridiculous.If someone cannot respect you for who you are, then they are not worth the time and effort of earning their respect.A lot of people try to find respect from others because they feel that it is in their religion to respect and be respected.Unfortunately, at least for Muslims,this is untrue.The Quran simply says to love, and bring others to Islam.This does not mean to earn others' respect, but just to love them even if they don't respect you.

In the case of other people, there is a mix of importance placed on respect.Some people, like myself, depend only on freely given respect that is acquired through normal acts within your general range of behavior, rather than going out of ones way to impress or earn the respect of someone.Sometimes this is misunderstood as not caring what others think of you to the point where you might behave in a manner that is immoral,illegal, and/or distasteful.For instance, I have a friend who only cares what many people would call the "lower" class of society thinks of her.Therefore, she is drawn into distasteful,immoral and often illegal acts that include violence,allowing others to contribute to her delinquency as a minor, and other various forms of immorality and illegality.These acts are often self-destructive and painful to those who love her, i.e., her parents.By lowering herself to the standard of those she feels she needs respect from, she is carrying that want for respect to a point of hell.The world she is living in is a hell to most people,but due to those who give her a version of respect, it cannot be seen as such.I say version of respect because I have seen the "respect" that she is given by her "friends."These people have no problem betraying her for drugs, or sex, or hurting her parents because they think they have the right.I have no right to truly judge,only He who sits on high can do that,however, from my mortal view,it seems that these people do not know the meaning of respect.I do not see that they respect my friend,or each other, or anyone else.

To me, respect means that you listen to someone's ideas,follow rules that have been established (i.e. The Ten Commandments, or the law), as well as know when to help someone, or ask them if they need help. To respect someone, is not to assume that they are invisible, because that is idol worship,but to be their friend if they need it,to be able to put petty disagreements in the past,to follow their wishes if you have prayed and know it is in their best interest,due to knowledge gained from Allah.That kind of respect is what is important to me.Respect given from injuring oneself or breaking a rule is fake,faulty, and will not stand the test of time.True respect, is like true love.It is unconditional.It is timeless.Just as true love can not be taken away,respect for a person is always there once established.Trust can be demolished,so can hate, and anger and envy and all other bad or good things in this world,except for love and respect.Love is Allah, and He will never be gone;Respect is of love, and once you truly respect someone or something,it cannot be taken away.That may be hard to grasp,because usually respect and trust go hand in hand, and I've already said trust can be demolished.However respect is different than trust.Respect is not just to a person,it can be just something in general.Once it is to or a person,than yes,it can be destroyed of that person.Real Respect is an attitude.It supersedes the person,and gives way to the total.Real Respect is a state in which you do not defile anyone or anything for your sake.True respect,real respect is selfless,because you must give off yourself to respect.This,in turn gives you respect if you choose to do so.That is the kind of respect that is important to me,without it, I will never truly feel right, or like myself, as I do now, because I know I have that kind of respect.I earn it be being as respectful as I can, and anyone who will not respect me for that is not someone who's respect I want,because I will only be respectful to earn respect, as that is all I should have to do.

Sunday, April 24, 2016


<br /> Essay on Morality<br />

The greatest gift of human rationality is morality.The establishment of "morality" is based on the recognition that every human has general set of basic needs to lead a life free of physical and psychological suffering in Moral Relativism,Moral Diversity and Human Rights,James Kellenberger addresses different sorts of theories of morality, such as moral absolutism, moral pluralism and moral relativism. Before I take any position on the issues raised by the differences between these various approaches, I need to offer a definition of morality.Morality, in the context of these different kinds of theories, can be defined only descriptively in relation to its purpose and to its function.Metaphysical questions such as "Is morality an absolute truth?" (which are not in the scope of this essay) are in fact, beyond comprehension by mere reasoning and argumentation.People can only try to provide different answers based on their own assumptions,faiths,experiences and intuitions.Thus, morality, in the most practical sense, is a tool or way of life used to promote the common good of human beings and eliminate harmful actions that bring negative consequences in life, goals based on the principal of reciprocity and empathy, and a set of universally recognized human needs and capabilities.

In line with such grounding, I find that among different types of moral theories,moral pluralism can best serve the universal needs and well being of human kind.Pluralism recognizes that there is a plurality of moral points of view, no one is clearly superior to another.Yet, it insists on a certain set of context-independent values and an objectivity in judging value conflicts that is not determined by group's conventions or individual attitudes.However, the pluralistic nature of this theory and the fact that no complete objectivity is possible could be sources of its fallacies when it is put into practice.No one can be completely objective in their judgments because every human being possesses different perceptions and principles of life that contribute to personal bias.

Thus, to avoid these possible sources of error, moral pluralism needs to be governed by three principles:
1)an unambiguous categorization of moral values.
2)the establishment of a minimalist common ground, and
3)a flexibility with regard to the prioritization of moral values.

Positive moral values are important because they allow you to have an overall feeling of peace and joy.Moral values can give meaning and purpose to your life.You are able to direct your behavior towards beneficial and fulfilling activities.

Thus, the bonds that you form with others will also be more fulfilling when you live your life according to the moral values.

Lastly, it is also important to incorporate the moral value of forgiveness in your life.Forgiveness allows you to move past hurtful or damaging situations.It allows you to abandon feelings of anger or resentment against others or yourself.You can be emotionally healthy when you practice forgiveness because it keeps you from holding onto pain and resentment.

In conclusion, moral values are extremely important for your overall well-being.Moral values provide a structure for your life.Honesty makes you respectable.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Domestic Violence

<br /> Essay on Domestic Violence best for 14th August's speech in English<br />

Domestic violence is present in almost every society of the world.The term can be classified on various basis.Violence against spouse,children or elderly is few of some commonly encountered cases.There are various kinds of tactics that are attacker against the victim.Physical abuse,emotional abuse,psychological abuse or deprivation,economical abuse,etc. are the most common kinds of abuses that are faced by the victims.

Domestic violence is not only a problem of the developing or under developed countries.It is very much prevalent in developed countries also.Domestic violence is a reflection of our pseudo-civilized society.There is no place of violence in the civilized world.But the number of cases that are reported every year raise a high alarm.And this is not the complete picture,as;most of the cases go unregistered or unnoticed in everyday life.This is a very dangerous trend creeping in our society and has to be dealt with iron hands.

Women and children are often the soft targets.In Indian society the situation is really gruesome.A significant number of deaths are taking place on daily basis,as a result of domestic violence only.Illiteracy,economical dependency on men folk and the otherwise male dominated society is some of the attributing factors to the problem.Dowry is one of the leading causes that results in violence against the newly-wed brides.Physically assaulting women,making horrendous remarks and depriving them of basic humanly rights are often showcased in mainly parts of the country.Similarly,children are also made the target of this inhuman behavior.

Serious in-sighting is required in the matter.The double standards and hypocrisy of the society members is evident in such matters.Many times,the abuser is either psychotic in behavior or requires psychological counseling for this errant behavior.But generally domestic violence is a result of cumulative irresponsible behavior demonstrated by a section of the society.Not only the abuser is the main culprit but those who are allowing it to happen and behave like a mute spectator are the partners of the crime.Recently,in India,to cope with the situation,a campaign called "bell bajao" was launched.The main motive of the campaign was to motivate the individuals of the society the raise their voice against the domestic violence happening in home and around.The campaign was a big hit and successfully managed to draw the attention of crowds towards this issue.

Government has also made and enforced domestic violence act.The rules and regulations have been introduced in section 498-A of Indian Penal Code.Law gives an effective shelter and deals strictly with the culprits.But making a law is not sufficient.People will have to awake and arise.They have to be told about their rights and duties.Every human being deserves the basic honor and respect.No one is entitles to take law in his hands.Besides,the law enforcement,domestic violence have deeper roots.It is the mentality of the society that covets an overhauling.Society is in-turn nothing but the constitution of individuals.Every individual should make the necessary amendments and the society will change.It is the high time to raise voice against the injustice happening to self and others.Domestic violence has no place in the modern society and should be strongly dealt with.

Honesty is the Best Policy

<br /> Essay on Honesty is the Best Policy<br />

Honesty is the best policy is very famous proverb however most effective to be followed in everyone's life.Students are generally got this topic to write something in their school in the exams or any competition like like essay writing competition.

Honesty is the best policy means being honest and true all through the life even in bad situations is considered as honesty is the best policy.According to the saying of honesty is the best policy,one should be loyal and tell the truth always in his/her life while answering to any question or dilemma to anyone.Being honest,loyal and true in the life provides mental peace to the person.An honest person becomes always happy and peaceful because he/she does not have to live with the guilt.Being honest with everyone in our life help us to get mind peace because we do not have to remember the lie which we have told to people in order to save us.

Being honest help others to always trust on us and show our real character to them which is enough to let them know that we always tell the truth.Being trustworthy helps us to build a strong relationship by assuring others about our trustworthy nature.On the other hand,people who are dishonest never get second chance once they tell lie to people.It happens because people think that they will always be cheated in future by the dishonest person through lot of white lies.Honesty is like a good weapon in the life which benefits us through many advantages and it can be developed naturally without any cost.Honesty gives us everything expected in the life whereas a single lie may ruin our life by ruining relationships.Being a lie person may lose our all privileges of being trustworthy in the hearth of our family members,friends, and other close ones.So following the saying of honesty is the best policy in the life is good.

Honesty is the best policy is a famous saying said by the Benjamin Franklin.Honesty is considered as the best tool of success in the life and a famous person said it as a backbone of the successful relationship which has capability to form a well developed society.Without being honest in the life,it becomes very tough to make real and trustworthy friendship or love bond with anyone.People who are generally used of telling truth can be able to build better relationships and thus better world.Some people who do not have dare of telling truth to their dear ones,generally tell lie and face bad situations of being dishonest.On the other hand,saying truth helps in strengthening out character and makes us strong.So,being honest helps us a lot in many ways all through the life.Honesty is the most effective tool of protecting the relationships.

Telling lies just to save the situation can make the condition more worse.Saying truth always helps us to strengthen the character as well as bring confidence with us.There are many bad and good situations in the life and I think almost all of us have been felt that telling truth to our dear ones gives us relief and happiness.So,according to this saying,being honest is really being a good human being in the life.

Time Management

<br /> Superb essay for 14th August speech on Time management<br />

Time management creates a false impression.Time cannot be managed;it can only be controlled by each individual person and the way time is directed.Scheduling is extremely important when it comes to managing the use of time.It is important to use time wisely.When time is managed and organized wisely;it can make the difference between a productive day and a very hectic day.Using time management during an ordinary day can help reduce stress and simple life .Without have a plan on how to manage time,it can create stress in life and also forgetting important dates and deadlines.By not having some type of organization in life it will create chaos and will seem as if there is not enough time in one day to complete daily tasks.Every day will be a challenge to complete and it will be less productive.By no having an organized method to complete a day;it can result in frustration,stress, and not being able to accomplish much.

Not making good use of time can affect people in many different ways.In general the days of the week can be very hectic and tiresome.A lot of frustration is usually the result of poor time management.Every day need to perform daily task swill be executed with much more difficulty ad not very much will get done.Life without any form of organization is very stressful and less productive.Time is what everyone does not have enough of.There are only twenty four hour sin one day is just not enough.It is very easy to come to that conclusion when people go through daily responsibilities without a plan.Once a plan is made and a day is organized people will instantly see the benefits of time management.Most of the frustrating situations can be avoided with effective planning and organizing techniques.

Many people face the troubling issue of time management.In most cases the lack of time someone has to complete a task is due to the lack of prioritizing.Others have trouble tackling daily task because of the fact that they try to take on too many task at one time,and finally there are some people that just waste their time doing nothing just because of pure laziness.Now more than ever time in becoming on of our most valued resources that are wasted because people don't know how to properly manage their time wisely.In every aspect of life people are doing things that really have no value at all.Walking through a dorm on a week night you can find several students sitting around playing video games when at the same time they have a paper or assignment due the next day,you can also find employees sitting around the office playing solitaire or writing emails while productive work should be getting done.Time management is a skill that can be learned, and when done so can make life less stressful and productive.

Importance of Respect

<br /> Best topic for speeches on 14th August on importance of Respect <br />

Respect and Leadership go together.
You can't have one without the other.
Therefore,it is important to know how to gain respect and to maintain morale with good leadership skills.

Respect is a very broad term when people use it.What is the definition of respect?When I looked it up in the dictionary,I found out the dictionary definition is: to show regard or admiration of something or someone.I see respect as a universal characteristic.Respect to me, is a way of showing someone that you think highly of them and well,respect them!Respect is a very important part of life.If a person is respected,it makes him fell good and in return,he or she respects you.Respect is important to me because if a person didn't respect anyone,he himself would not be admired, and over time,he would grow up to be a very rude and inconsiderate person.Rudeness and kindness are also two very big components of respect.If you are rude to people or a person,you are disrespectful.If you are purposely mean or nasty to people,you are disrespectful.Respecting teaching such as Mr.Wellman is a very important part of education and life.Teachers fell good when they are respected and tend to be less grumpy and nicer during the day.Respect is also important in today's society.If you want a job and go give an interview for one,and you are rude to the boss and are throwing beanbags at people while he is addressing you,you will never get the job.Bosses like respectfulness because they know you will be a good member of their company by helping others and working with others.This is also the way it works with teachers.Just think about it.If you were teaching a class, and no one is even paying attention to you,if kids are throwing stuff around in the corner,will you not fell frustrated?More than frustrated,I would feel quite upset and very angry.I would feel like I am wasting my time teaching a bunch of disrespectful,rude people at the bottom of society.What does the teacher have to lose?He still gets his paycheck whether you learn or not.If you don't pay attention and learn,you're at loss.

To respect someone is to value that person's ideas,feelings,space, or privacy.We show respect by listening to people and trying to follow their wishes when it comes to their feelings and body.It is important to respect others but it is also very important to respect yourself by staying in control of yourself and telling people when they are making you uncomfortable.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Being Independent

<br /> essay for speech on 14th august<br />

In order for a human to fully develop from a child to an accomplish adult that person will need to become independent.Independence cannot be reached right away and not everybody will become independent.A baby when he is young he needs his mother to feed him.As that baby gets older he learns to feed himself and no longer needs his mother to do that for him.When he becomes older he learns to do more and more on his own.Eventually that individual will a get job which show how responsible he is.In order to be independent he must also be responsible.

There are two parts to being independent.One is to be independent in your mind and the other is to be independent in a sense of supporting yourself without any help from anyone.How can a person truly be independent if that person does what the world thinks is right?The answer to that question is that no individual will be considered truly independent as long as that person follows everybody.Trying to independence could get a little controversial because everyone has their own speculations of that independence is.My opinion is that independence is the ability to do what you want even if it is not what society thinks is the right thing to do.To be fully independent is to be self-reliant onto ones self,trusting yourself and believing in yourself not being doubtful of your own thoughts and beliefs.The only true way to be independent is to make decisions based on you and not based on what society thinks.

In my life up until now I have experienced independence only up to an extent not to the fullest.I consider myself partially independent because I have a job,I drive a car, and I financially support most of my needs.It is very hard to reach the other side of independence which is to be your own person and not be influenced so easily by the world.

It was the 14th of August when the Muslims of the subcontinent were able to get a land of their own,where they could live life according to their religion.14th August 1947,Pakistan gained independence after remarkable efforts made by my Mr.Muhammad Ali Jinnah who was a man of great caliber and had the belief that Muslims could only live happily when they would own a country led by their own people and a country that would be according to the ideology of Islam.The Muslims of the subcontinent gave many sacrifices for several years as they were not allowed to practice their own religion with freedom as they were the minority.However,the efforts made by people like Muhammad Ali Jinnah,Allama Iqbal and Sir Syed Ahmed Khan made sure that their sacrifices did not go in vain and they were able to provide the Muslims an independent homeland.

Thursday, August 6, 2015



When cleanliness word comes in our mind,our mind reminds the words like 'cleaning','cleaning services','clean house','maid' and most important 'health'. First we know the meaning of cleanliness.Cleanliness is the habit of keeping free of superficial imperfections.

Our Locality:Cleanliness is our social,important responsibility just like other social duties.Keeping our houses clean is not the only requirement.We should think broadly for keeping our houses,neighborhood areas,schools,foot-path,our body,our daily usable things etc. free of dirt and imperfections.Generally many have been noticed throwing out dirt of their houses.We should keep clean our neighbor by assuring happiness of our neighborhood by using local Dustbins.This will keep the area free of bacterial infections.The municipal persons should be contacted for regular evacuation of the Dustbin.Our personal cleanliness is very important and the most compulsory part of ours to protect us from diseases like malaria,Cholera,diarrhea,typhoid fever etc.

Personal Cleanliness:We must wash our hand,mouth and face before eating anything.It is the most required activity we generally miss.We must use cleaning agent like Bleaching powder etc at regular interval.Whenever we take out our shoes, we must clean our leg with soap with a little massage.This is very important;which maximum of us avoid.It is like that the foundation of the house ignored on which whole erection is standing.Cleaning leg has very positive impact on our body balance,because it provides relaxation to our mind.We must wash vegetables before cooking it.Very simple for doing it is just keep the vegetable half an hour in water to wash out all pesticides from its outer surface.We must cut our nails regularly.We should also clean nose,ear,hair root to keep us clean,tidy and fit.We should not touch our mouth and face frequently at public places.We must not go to our bed with school dress or with outer dresses to keep us and our house free from germs.Tooth cleaning is a must for everybody at night.Tooth brush is not sufficient.
Today health aware people are using 'Dental Flush' for keeping teeth completely clean.

Preventive cleanliness:We must be accountable and aware for our daily activities.We should avoid using polythene.We should teach mass by setting examples and not only by lectures.We should not spit here and there and also must not throw garbage or anything on the road also.We should use banners where possible and try to contribute whatever possibilities lie in our reach.We must avoid or try to keep pollution and pollutant at minimum level.

Top Five Cleaning Agent

Bleaching powder,Phynile,Sulphuric acid,Harpic(toilet cleaning agent may be of other brands),Hit(mosquito repellent) are the few cleaning agents should be used.In today's time we should keep our eating budget low and cleaning budget should be increased to protect us from increasing deadly diseases.

Monday, July 13, 2015


<br /> A brain disorder<br />

Autism is a physical disorder of the brain that causes a lifelong development disability.The many different symptoms of autism can occur by themselves or in combination with other conditions such as: mental retardation,blindness,deafness, and epilepsy.Children with autism vary widely in their abilities and behavior.Each symptom may appear differently in each child.Children with autism often show some forms of bizarre,repetitive behavior called stereotyped behavior.

Each child with autism is unique,with their own individual range of symptoms and behaviors.Broad areas of similarity have been identified so that it is now possible to make some basic general statements about what children with autism are like as a group.Some symptoms and characteristics are: failure to develop normal socialization,problems in speech,language, and communication,strange relationships to objects and events,unusual responses to sensory stimulation, and progress delays.

Scientists do not know why some children have autism.Studies have found that people with autism have differences in the structure of their cerebellums.Research is still unclear to be able to draw conclusion to biological and genetic causes.

Scientists have only identified one specific genetic connection with autism.A genetic syndrome called,fragile X syndrome.Fragile X syndrome is a recently discovered form of genetically caused mental retardation.Both sexes are affected by Fragile X syndrome,with males usually more seriously affected.Children with fragile X syndrome can have behavior problems such as:hyperactivity,aggression,self-injury,and autistic-like behaviors.Severe language delays and problems are common.Delayed motor development and poor sensory skills are also disabilities associated with fragile X syndrome.

In the United States,there are at least 400,000 people with autism,about one-third of them are children.Autism is one of the most common developmental disabilities.

For reasons researches do not know,autism occurs about three to four times more frequently in boys than in girls.

For children with more severe cognitive limitations, the ratio is closer to two to one.For the group of children with higher cognitive skills,boys are more frequently represented at a rate greater than four to one.Girls, when affected, are more likely to be more seriously affected by symptoms of autism.

To many experts and parents the number of children with autism seems to be increasing at a faster pace than before.In fact,some recent research studies of the occurrence of autism suggest that it is twice as high as previous studies had indicated.

Fortunately,the understanding of the needs of children is changing just as is the care applied to the diagnostic process.This is leading to better understanding of the importance of tailoring educational,social, and communication involvement to the needs and strengths of children with autism.

When autism was identified in 1943,it was a disorder that was misinterpreted and puzzled most professionals.Since than,studies have given us understanding into autism as a brain based disorder which children are born with.Though no cure has been found to date to treat children with autism,researches are on the brink of discovery one.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Ethnicity in Pakistan

<br /> Ethnicity in Pakistan<br />

Ethnicity comes from ethnic,which means "of a racial or tribal group."So ethnicity is a racial or tribal feeling and desire to stay within the race or tribe to which one belongs.It also gives paramount importance to language.We can see for ourselves how much strong ethnic feelings are in almost every corner of Pakistan.The uneducated and uncultured Balochis,Pathans,Sindhis and Punjabis very often think in terms of their races,castes and tribes or clans (large families or groups of related people)

Islam means submission to God, and all Muslims are expected to obey Him in the same way.The entire Muslim community or "ummah" is expected to be one in its religious life.Therefore,Islam does not favor the division of Muslims into racial groups or sects or social divisions on linguistic basis.Let us see how ethnicity and sectarianism have harmed us.

Firstly, extreme ethnic groups limit their attachment or devotion to themselves.They begin thinking, without any real basis, that they are superior to all other groups or communities.In Sindh,the MQM in the cities and the Sindhi nationals in the villages were two prominent ethnic groups in conflict with each other.The Pashtuns in the Khyber Pakhtunkwa from one strong ethnic group, but fortunately,most of them are not so much in conflict with the other ethnic groups of Pathans.The Saraikis around Multan from another powerful ethnic group.The Pashtun,the Balochi and the Brohi are the ethnic groups in Balochistan with their own social attitudes and policies.

The greatest ethnic group in term of money and landed estates is the feudal class.Vast and spread all over the country,it has been regularized or institutionalized nationally.It has been ruling the country through Parliament and has been crushing the total population except the industrial lords,rich merchants,powerful civil servants and military commanders.

Lastly,a general and basic kind of religious education should be provided through the mass media(the radio,TV,the press and Internet) and in schools and colleges.This can negative the effects of ethnicity in some ways instead of accentuating (making more forceful) them in any way.For it is a fact that those who do not or cannot attach themselves to religion or a very healthy national outlook can easily embrace some ethnic group or ethnic interests.

Along with the proliferating violence and mass scale bombing,ethnic groups in Pakistan continue to stroke and force down the people of this country.This has not been an issue that erupted a few decades ago,but had always encompassed this land since its birth.After raising the curtains,ethnicity in Pakistan proves to play a significant role in obliterating the economy and its people.Since the very first human beings placed their steps on earth,people and societies have always become a victim of differentiations and discrimination.

Different ethnic groups can reside in one nation peacefully if there is less discrimination and despising,but if the struggle to win ethnic rights is constantly hampered,it transforms into a movement for an independent nation.In a country like Pakistan,where economical and political instability prevails, ethnic differences augment with a ferocious pace and the consequences can be dreadful,thus preventing measures must always be taken to reduce these conflicts.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Character is Destiny (Fate)

<br /> Best Essay<br />

World history proves that the greatest and lasting achievements and successes of human beings have come through the strength of their character and knowledge.Just as knowledge is power,character is the ability that tells us how to use this power and for what purposes.

Let us discuss how a high,noble and thoroughly positive character can be developed.Firstly,it is a fact that character is inherited(got from one's parents at birth) to some extent.We have often heard of a person being spoken of as noble-minded and good-hearted or good-natured.There lies something in the inner being of an individual that cannot be changed for the better or for the worse by any kind of company,education or training.

Secondly,we should consider the factors that generally affect character development.These are the social surroundings or environment in which a growing person or a student lives.The atmosphere of the place determines character in this sense.

Next,to affect character development are the political and economic conditions of society.If the political leaders are of high character and noble conduct,their thoughts,actions and behavior become shining examples for all fellow citizens.The character-formation of students,especially,is affected.Then,if the country is democratically well established,that is,when in it democratic institutions are respected and promoted,there can be an open atmosphere of discussion,argument,agreement and disagreement.The minds and hearts of young people can be positively influenced and their characters can develop depth and flexibility.If the economic situation of the country is hopeful,agriculture and industry are expanding and jobs are plentiful,positive character development is more possible.The people develop a happy attitude and a work philosophy of effort,struggle and competition.That is why the general character levels of the people the democratic advanced countries like the US,The UK and France in terms of ideas,actions and aims are very high.The high individual characters put together form a Grand National character which determines national destiny or fate.

Destiny,then,is the result or outcome of character whether it is of an individual or a nation.Our own characters and the national character in general will lead us to individual and national successes,result of the use of the scientific method based on experimentation and calculation.

In the modern context,two systems of idealism are need by us in our country-personal and national.Personal idealism should prompt us to achieve our high personal aims in society as teachers scholars,writers,scientists,office or factory workers,soldiers or any kind of professionals.This should make us successful through effort by improving our ability and efficiency.National idealism should be reflected in our literature,the mass media and speeches and talks of our main political leaders.Our people will act to realize their personal and national ideals well if they are properly educated,rightly guided in different directions by teachers and leaders and are strong religiously and spiritually.



Hopefulness is a mental condition in which we expect good results of certain happenings and situations, and feel happy about them.Optimism is a way of thinking which makes us look at the bright side of different situations and makes us expect the b est possible results.

What is hope if we can describe it psychologically?According to William McDougall,it is one of the greatest forces that operates in the mind-something that enters into the structure of character.Hope is in fact associated with desire and love.Tennyson wrote of "the mighty hope that makes us..."

"I am longing to be with you, and by the sea,where we can talk together freely and build our castles in the air."
-Bram Stoker,Dracula

Let us consider the general causes of hopefulness or optimism.Firstly,the qualities that a child inherits from his parents and forefathers determine his mental condition a great deal.There are some qualities like hopefulness,cheerfulness,peaceful nature,hopelessness,sorrowfulness,quarrelsomeness, and so on ,which are part of one's nature.

Secondly,family life at home is,largely,responsible for our hopeful of hopeless attitude towards life.If a child is born into a peaceful,happy and contented family,it can grow up into a boy or girl with an optimistic or hopeful outlook on life.With happiness and hope all around in the home,how can a member of the family avoid being hopeful in life?

"Expectations were like fine pottery.The harder you held them,the more likely they were to crack."
/Brandon Sanderson,The Way of Kings

Thirdly,the social conditions in which a person lives affect his feelings and thinking a lot.If a person lives in a very backward part of the country with narrow roads,broken houses and dirty markets,he will naturally not feel socially satisfied.If,on the other hand,the social surroundings are favorable and the people are happy and satisfied,one living amidst them will also feel happy.

Fourthly,the chance of progress in society,employment opportunities,expanding housing facilities and a proper price level keep all the people happy and hopeful.

Fifthly,the political situation in the country is a great determinant of the level of general and individual happiness and optimism.Who will not like to have a strong,stable and efficient political system like that of the US,Britain,Holland or Switzerland?

"Sometimes the price of dreams is achieving them."
-Michael J.Sullivan,Percepliquis

Social tragedies and natural calamities like fires,accidents,earthquakes,floods and wars are in plenty.Personal tragedies like diseases and deaths in families are no fewer.Frequent crimes and terrorist acts are often are unavoidable because of the inner weaknesses of human beings,social mechanisms and the policies of other countries.The people can face these bravely if they have religious faith and moral strength and enjoy social peace and harmony.

Thus,we can sat the high hopes and expectations are the result of complex social and personal causes.Of course,we can never be hopeful if we are not inwardly satisfied and socially happy.

"Never surrender your hopes and dreams to the fateful limitations others have placed on their own lives.The vision of your true destiny does not reside within the blinkered outlook of the naysayers and the doom prophets.Judge not by their words,but accept advice based on the evidence of actual results.Do not be surprised should you find a complete absence of anything mystical or miraculous in thew manifested reality of those who are so eager to advise you.Friends and family who suffer the lack of abundance,joy,love,fulfillment and prosperity in their own lives really have no business imposing their self-limiting beliefs on your reality experience."
-Anthon St.Maarten

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Child Labor

<br /> The English World<br />

Child labor at the cost of the child's future is now common in the developing and poor countries.50 million children are engaged in manual work in these countries.

Firstly,the children in the developing countries from poor families cannot study.Their parents cannot afford their school and study expenditures.The poor families are normally very large, and the bread earner is a single male head.The children,of the ages ranging from eight to fifteen,get employed in car workshops,filling stations,restaurants,bakeries,shops of different kinds,offices of firms and companies,student hostels,private homes,etc.

Secondly,most of the parents of the working children are illiterate and ignorant.They think that school education would only be decorative and impractical.The children are either not sent to school,or they are taken out of it to be assigned to mechanics in workshops or foremen in factories to be trained for a "practical" future.

Thirdly,the successive governments of most of the developing countries have failed to utilize state funds and resources for the uplift,education and training of the masses.

Fourthly,the advanced countries do not care to spend even some of their resources and knowledge for the betterment of the poor.They provide aid and funds to the rich of these countries for the so-called "development purposes."The funds are misused or stolen by the leaders and no kind of social reconstruction is possible.

Child labor can be brought to an end when large-scale social and economic reforms take effect in the developing countries.In the first place,education should be made common and the literacy rate should be raised at all costs.Professional schools for workshop training,tractor and car repairing,welding,computer operations and industrial and agricultural activities should be set up.

In the second place,the feudal system in the developing countries should be brought to an end.If it happens,the big landowners will not be able to keep the laborers and farmers uneducated and backward.The need for child labor will evaporate.

In the third place,the uneducated city people should be provided suitable job opportunities and facilities of education for their children.

Honor Killing

<br /> The English World<br />

Our newspapers report every now and then the killing of unfaithful women by their brothers,fathers and , on top of all, their husbands.This killing is called "kar-kari" in Sindh and has deep social roots.From time immemorial the problem of woman's unfaithfulness to man has plagued family life.The advanced countries have worked out some practical solutions to this great problem,while we, in the so-called developing societies, are in its clutches.

We may,at the start,examine the causes of the development of the disease of unfaithfulness of women.Firstly,it is said,rather wrongly,that most fair young women are naturally inclined to have "affairs" with men.The difference lies in the historical and traditional treatment of women as men's property,to be controlled as they like.So the concept of "honor killing" is one-sided,applicable only to our womenfolk.

Secondly,the educational,social and economic conditions in countries like ours do not permit many a woman to advance suitably.Especially is the rural areas and in the smaller towns,the people in general are mostly uneducated and ill-informed.When they discover immorality on the part of women,they use force against them.

Thirdly,the influence of religion on the minds and behavior of the people has been in decline for several years.In the olden times,women,especially,considered honor as their greatest defense and ornament.Now,with the growth of materialism,sex is on display.Those who do not stop their immoral sexual activities are attacked or killed in the name of honor.

We should educate the people universally to make them conscious of the new demands of society and the law.Education should be allowed to spread everywhere like sunlight brightening every corner of the earth and moonlight beautifying nature and society.Then people will like to act legally and solve their problems reasonably.

The country should be developed economically at a fast pace.Rapid industrialization and agricultural development will bring prosperity to the people.It will,then, not be possible for rich people to exploit poor and helpless women sexually.In any case,educated women should be able to work with honor and dignity side by side with men.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Human Rights Abuses (violations)

<br /> importance of human rights<br />

In fact,Islam is the 7th century laid emphasis on the equality of all men before God,the rights of slaves or servants,women and wives and the rights of all to enjoy their property and money freely and suitably.Later,democratic developments in England,France and the US resulted in the form of law guaranteeing rights of human beings,democratic equality and justice.The UN charter of human rights is again a repetition of their principles.

The most painful and shameful violations of human rights have recently taken place in Afghanistan,Kashmir,Palestine,Bosnia,Chechnya and in various Africa countries.

Our Constitution provides for protection against the violation of most of the human beings.Yet,the rights continue to be abused through the length and breadth of the country.Besides the protection of the Constitution,we need to take some other urgent measures to ensure the non-violation of the rights.

Firstly,the common people should be educated in the shortest possible time to certain reasonable standards.The educated masses,then,would understand how to exercise their rights.

Secondly,all possible efforts should be made to bring about economic justice as early as possible.The feudal system in the villages should be broken up speedily.Large landholdings should be taken away and the released land should be divided into medium-size units to be cultivated by poorer farmers with government help.The water resources should be put to the best use to the benefit of all.

Thirdly,in and around the cities,the business and industries should be induced to employ educated labor and pay them handsomely.

Fourthly,the law of the land should be modified according to our changing economic,social and political needs.New laws should be framed to meet new situations.

The future of human rights is brighter,no doubt in developed democracies, and as much darker,in the half-democracies,dictatorships,autocracies and oligarchies(government by small groups of all powerful people).

Are Human Rights a phenomenon without merit or a crucial aspect of our inter-governmental/inter-societal system?Some would argue that the foundation of human rights contradicts the means.Fir instance,when discussing the use of the term "Universal Human Rights," we often forget that the term "universal instigates nations to follow under one set doctrine of particular principles.The contradiction lies within the entity which promotes said norms,the United Nations;within it,the international non-governmental entity seeks out ways of promoting their vision of a world bound by a code of conduct and a common goal of peace and co-existence.The problem is how does one go about doing implementing human right son a universal scale while respecting a state's right to sovereignty and direction of law(Orford,2003)?

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Good & Bad Manners

<br /> Read Good and Bad Manners<br />

The manners and habits of a person tell a lot about his personality.We often form our opinion of a person after meeting him and observing his manners.

People like person having good and pleasing manners.They like his behavior.Such a person talks,behaves and meets others in a sweet way.Firstly,he greets other people who are older than he,or are known to him.He shows proper respect to his elders.

A good mannered person tries his best not to injure the feelings of other.He never makes a show of his ability or learning or wealth to make others feel lowly.He does not mind the faults of others.He knows that all human beings make mistakes and have their weaknesses.So if a person displeases or trouble shim,he does not get angry.

Good manners like the ones described above make real friendship and love possible.Friendship and love between two or more people will continue long if they are well behaved.Good manners make co-operation possible.If the people at a place behave well and are helpful to each other,they can co-operate in all possible ways.

People do not like a person with bad manners.They dislike his behavior,his way of talking or meeting others.Such a person displeases others with his manners and habits.He does not properly entertain them.At his place of work,he does not receive visitors in a pleasant way.He does not listen well to them and does not satisfy them with his replies.

An ill-mannered person is often proud in his behavior.He makes a show of the things that he possesses or of his knowledge.He doe snot have patience for the faults of others, and gets angry very soon.

Bad-mannered people cannot continue to be friends for long.They mind each other's faults and begin disliking each other sooner or later.They do not like to help others in difficulty,as they are selfish.

It is our benefit to have pleasant manners.Others will like us and our company the more for our attractive manners.We should try to give up repelling manners and ways.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The verb & adverb

<br /> BEST ESSAY<br />

A verb says something about a person or thing.It shows action and describes condition.

  • Perfect the country to glorify your present or past.
    Imagine,then,what you will be when others greet you in love and fear!

    The adverb

    An adverb describes a verb,an adjective,another adverb or a sentence and answers questions as,where?when?how?
  • We went nowhere.She arrived yesterday.He walks fast.

  • Adjectives




    Kinds of the adverb & their functions

    An adverb answers the questions how,when,how often,where,under what conditions or in what manner.


    These answer the question how.
  • clearly,honestly,obediently,punctually,strictly

  • How do they sing?They sing beautifully.


    These answer how much.
  • too,very,quite,almost,fully,enough,altogether

  • They are much happy.She walks too slowly.


    These answer when
  • late,ago,before,yesterday,today,already,early

  • Your son will return soon.They attended classes yesterday.


    These answer where.
  • here,there,everywhere,in,out,beneath,below,underneath,up

  • She is here.They searched for the lost key everywhere.


    These answer why.
  • consequently,resultantly

  • So(therefore) they lost the match.[So and therefore modify lost,the verb]They are hence absent


    These answer "true or wrong"
  • admittedly,acceptably,unacceptably.

  • Did you report against Mr.X?No,I did not report against him.


    These answer how often.
  • sometimes,repeatedly,regularly,occasionally,frequently,seldom

  • She repeatedly ask sme to help her.I am often in her class(often modifying am,the verb.

    Monday, April 27, 2015

    The adjective or determiner

    <br /> The adjective or determiner<br />

    An adjective or determiner is a word used to describe or qualify or add to the meaning of a noun or pronoun.
    • loud cry,weak performance.The gift was a suitable.Loud,weak,suitable are adjectives qualifying the nouns "cry,""performance" and "gift".


    1.Adjectives of qualify or descriptive adjectives
    Adjectives of quality show the quality of a person or thing,and can be formed from proper nouns too:
    • big,small,wise,foolish,philosophical,dangerous,peaceful and proper adjectives like the ones discussed at length below:
    • American,French,Italian,Greek,Spanish,Russian,Norwegian,Indian,Chinese,Japanese,Korean,Brazilian,Australian,Egyptian,Sudanese,Ethiopian,Jordanian,Arabian,Iranian,Afghan,Turkish and Chechen and many other national groups do we find all around,but the best group stands out as the one own nation.
    All the italicized words above are adjectives of quality.Pakistani,American,etc.result from the proper nouns,Pakistan,America,etc.,and they can rightly be termed Proper Adjectives.
    Also note:She is an excellent singer.You are,of course,able and efficient.I can't say how fast I am at bowling.We all like Pakistanis products.The Islamic world surely needs unity.
    2.Adjectives of quantity
    Adjectives show the quantity of a thing or nature of quantity:
  • little,some,much,enough,all,no,great,half,two-third,whole,sufficient

  • A litle pur water,the tremendous weight of the truck,all the food,the bag full of rice,was it half full?Enough salary,great strength,insufficient food supplies,much indecency.Note:Great care is to be taken in carrying the heavy glass cause upstairs.Where did you leave your light purse,Madam?Slight pressure,weighty arguments,some love is all that is needed to win the heart of a maiden.
    3.Adjectives of number
    Adjectives of number indicate number or order and are also called limiting adjectives.
  • one,two,first,second,etc.,few,many,some,most,several,all,no,certain,each,every,either,neither,enough.

  • They played five matches,the first in Lahore and the last in Rawalpindi.
    Some glorious efforts and a few mistakes were observable in all their efforts.
    Almost all the spectators appreciated the game of our team.
    Many terrorists,arrested outside the stadium yesterday,aimed to attack the people inside from several directions.
    4.Demonstrative adjectives
    Demonstrative adjectives point out(bring to notice) things or persons.
  • this,that,these ,those,such,the"same,""the "other,"yonder(over some distance)

  • Those flowers are dear to us as much as this picture is to you.
    Such objects as are related to the world of art cannot be compared with Nature.Can they?
    5.Interrogative adjectives
    Interrogative adjectives are question words functioning as adjectives like what,which and whose
  • what,which,whose

  • What foods do you like?("what" being general in application)
    Which of the foods available here is appealing to you?("which" being particular in reference)

    Proper adjectives

    A proper adjective comes out of a proper noun and is descriptive of it.

    To form many proper adjectives,we add a suffix such as "-n,-an,-ian,-ic, or -i" to the proper noun.

    Three degrees of the adjective

    An adjective has three degrees of comparison.
    1.The positive degree
    The positive degree shows the simple quality of an adjective.
  • high,great,slow,thin,beautiful,sorrowful

  • 2.The comparative degree
    The comparative degree shows a higher or lower quality of an adjective.
  • greater,slower,thinner,more beautiful,less high,less great,less slow,less thin,less beautiful

  • 3.The superlative degree
    The superlative degree shows the highest or lowest degree of the quality of an adjective.
  • highest,greatest,slowest,thinnest,most beautiful,least high,least great,least beautiful.

  • Sunday, April 26, 2015

    The pronoun

    <br /> PART OF SPEECH<br />

    A pronoun is a word used in place of a noun.
  • it,he,she,they,we,himself

  • Kinds of the pronoun

    Personal pronouns

    1.Personal pronouns in their different forms show person,number,gender(whether male,female or neuter-whose gender is common like articles)and case(the relationship of a word with other words).
  • I,we,us;you,your,yourself;they,them,themselves

  • The possessive pronoun
    Possessive pronouns are forms of personal pronouns.They show ownership or possession.
  • mine,yours,his,her,theirs,its

  • First person

    Second person

    Third person







    2.Indefinite pronouns

    Indefinite pronouns refer to people,places or things in general.

    Most common indefinite pronouns




    no one


    3.Demonstrative pronouns

    These pronouns tell which one or which group of persons,places or things are referred to.
  • this,that,these,those

  • 4.Relative pronouns

    These pronouns refer to an earlier noun,sentence or part of a sentence.
  • who,whom,which,whose,what

  • 5.Interrogative pronouns

    These pronouns introduce questions.
  • who,whom,which,whose,what

  • Forms of the personal pronoun

    Personal pronouns are i the first,second and third person.The first person pronoun refers to yourself like I,me.The second person addressed like you,yourself.The third person refers to the person,place,thing or idea spoken about like she,them.
    First person
    Second person
    Third person

    1.Firstly,note the common use of possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns:
  • That is my table.That table is mine.
    Who came to our house?Sami came to ours,Niza went to theirs.Others went to a house that is his.The fame is hers alone,mine are the honors.
    Which pen is yours?It is perhaps theirs.No,it is mine.(No,it is my pen)
    Was this car his last year?Yes,it was his;now it is Sumaira's.

  • 2.Secondly,the pronoun "it" is used to indicate position,situation,etc. in sentences like the following.
  • "Who is there?""It is I."
    "What time is it?""It is 5 o'clock."
    It is raining all around.It is cool now.
    It was you who told me it was time to play the piano."No,it wasn't I."
    "Who will sing?""It is expected of you."
    "It looks strange an old woman singing songs of love."

  • 3.One-It is used when any or every person is meant;
  • One should know one's duties(Every person should know his duties.)

  • One,onesaccording to the singular or plural nouns:
  • He writes a book every year;the one he is writing now is about the Moghuls.
    Some students are present;the ones you want to see are absent.

  • Also note;Everyone of them has his (or her) problems.
  • Anybody who goes to Swat may please send me his (or her) address.

  • WhenWhen we talk of both men and women,we use the masculine pronoun;
  • Everyone should do his best in life.

  • 4.Interrogative pronouns and adjectives-"which,""what"
    "Which" is used when selection is made from a given set of things or persons;
  • Which of these movies is historical?Which fruit do you like best?

  • "What" is used when the selection is in a general way from an unknown set:
  • What cities have you seen?What movies do you like to watch in your leisure time.

  • 5.Relative pronouns
    A relative pronoun refers to an earlier noun,sentence or part of a sentence.
  • (a)The students who(or that) have passed are here.
    (b)Was the Iraq-American war,which(or that)the world tried to stop,the result of Muslim disunity?
    (c)Have the guests that(or whom)we had invited arrived?
    In (b) and (c) which,that,whom,may or may not be used.Was the Iraq-American war the world....

  • But note:
    (a)"That"is better used when the words after it explain or restrict the position or action of the person or subject before it:
  • Leasers that rise through corruption should soon fall.Sorrows that come late are more troublesome.

  • (b)"Who" or "which" is used when "that" does not explain or restrict the position or action of the person or subject before it.
  • Our teacher,who is a foregner,know several languages.The books,which are lying here,are on the forward and backward march of history.

  • (c)"Who" or "which" should not be used after third-degree adjectives and "little,""much,""all,""none,""everything,""no":
  • This is the best book that you can read on the subject.I tell you that I know of the accident.All the glories that we have achieved are short-lived.

  • (d)"That" is used when a person or animal or thing,etc.occurs at te begining of the sentence:
  • Rahil and the car that had been in the police station are now with the magistrate.

  • 6.Whom,who or that
    "whom" or "that" is used as an object to the verb in a sentence.But "who" is also correctly used thus.After prepositions,"whom"as pronoun is used.
  • She is the girl whom everyone liked for her good manners.(or)She is the girl whom(or who) everyone liked.(or)She is the girl that everyone...(or leave out whom,who or that.)With whom were you walking?

  • However,the relative pronoun "whom" takes the preposition before it in written English.Our teacher from whom I got the book is a man of learning.(or)Our teacher whom(or who) I got the book from...(or)Our teacher that I...(or)Our teacher...I got the book from is a man of learning.)

    The order of personal pronouns

    Note that we use personal pronouns in his order:2nd person+3rd person+1st person.But to emphasize or focus this order can be changed.
  • You,he and I study and play together.Your house,Nelson's house and mine are all new.I,you and they were observers of the happening.

  • American revolution and its aftermath

    AMERICAN REVOLUTION AND ITS AFTERMATH The American Revolution marked the divorce of the British Empire and its one of the most valued...