Mechanical computing devices date from 17th century.Indeed Charles Babbage is credited with the invention of computer.He named it "Analytical Engine". The first digital computer appeared in USA in the 1940s.Since then generations have worked to reduce the size and increase the speed of computer.Now it has proved to be the most amazing invention of the 20th century.Computers can handle data with wonderful accuracy.Computer can read information and store this information for later use.Mother board,Processor,RAM,Monitor,Key Board,Mouse,CD Rom and Floppy Derive are the main components of a computer.
The benefits of computer are many.The notable features of computer are speed and accuracy.Life has become speedy and quick in this modern age.Thus, the importance of computer has been recognized in all fields of life.In industry,it keeps the record of goods,cost and output.It also provides a great deal of help in engineering.It designs buildings of all kinds,gives information about the best materials to be used,suggest ideal measures for its safety and gives accurate expenditures of its construction.In medicine,it assists to perform various tests,diagnoses diseases and prescribes medicine.In space,sea and earth explorations ,it has performed wonders.It collects information of various heavenly bodies,their properties and atmospheric conditions.It tells us about the treasures hidden under the earth and in the depth of the sea.We control satellite,rockets,missiles and spaceships by computer.It is the best type writer,with wondrous fonts and beautiful results.It also provides recreation of all sorts.It plays with us,amuses us with music and fun.In the field of education it has performed wonders.It can collect information for us from the most remote parts of the world.It is through computer that this world has become a global village.
Though the disadvantages of computers are equal to naught as compared with its users;nevertheless,there are a few physical and social problems associated with it.As far as physical harms of computer are concerned,it causes stress and tension to the person who has to sit before it hours and hours together.Sometime it weakens eye sight.It may cause a few social evils.On internet,our youth watch obscene movies and immoral pictures.
After analyzing computer from both the angles,it is easy to conclude that its uses are greater than its abuses.However,the evils of computers can be reduced to some extent by devising a code of ethics and awakening the sense of duty in our youth.Its physical evils can be controlled by certain exercises.To conclude,it may be said that the present age is the age of computer.If we want to keep pace with the rest of the world,we will have to take adequate measures for the uplift of computer technology.
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