A computer is an electronic device that solves problems by processing data according to instructions.
The electronic computer is rightly called wonder of the machine age.It can add,subtract,multiply and divide "with lightening speed and perfect accuracy".It can multiple several ten-digit numbers in 1/1000 second working 500000 times faster than a human being.
We give a program to a computer to work for us in any field-business,industry,construction,banking,medicine,teaching, and so on.In business and industry,the computer prepares and keeps lists of goods,correspondence records and sales and profit and loss accounts.It can inform us of the production needs and the best production processes for a certain factory.It can compare several industrial processes of production and let us decide about the best ones.
A computer can solve all kinds of engineering problems of building,those of designing various building structures,finding the most accurate and effective material mixtures and safety measures for earthquake proof and sound-proof rooms.
In space or sea exploration,the computer is extremely useful.It collects information from outer space regarding distances,various heavenly bodies in movement,rays and beams in their effects,the earth's position and possibilities of man's travel into space.In the same way,information from the depths of the ocean is conveyed by sensitive computers regarding availability of oil,minerals,precious stones,sea and vegetable life, and rocks and sea beds.The operation of the railways and fast moving vehicles on the roads is controlled for safe and accurate travel through computers easily.
Computers have made possible the smooth working of the telecommunications systems,that is,the process of receiving or sending messages by telephone,radio,television,telegraph, or satellites.Millions of telephone lines over the country remain in operation through computerized telephone exchanges.Radio or wireless,TV or satellite communication is now extremely fast and complex.
In medicine,computers are being widely used to diagnose or determine diseases,to prescribe medicines and to perform various tests like blood and heart analysis.They help maintain records of patients to be made available at a moment's notice.
In education,computers started to be used in the 1960s.Instructional computers are used in two ways-to provide direct presentation of data or to act as a teacher to test the understanding and knowledge of the student.The computer can very systematically present in different ways, and with a wide variety of examples,the developments in a field of knowledge.
Computer typing is fast,accurate and beautiful,in several patterns and shapes.In it,moving rays of light from a laser lens are used.
In computer music,the composer programs the computer to produce different rhythms,tunes and tones from some sounds stored in it.These sounds are stored on magnetic tape and can be played back.The computer helps in expanding the range of tones and tunes.
With all this computer progress,we can say that computers cannot replace us.Our brain has more than 10 billion cells whereas a computer has only a hundred thousand parts.While we can think and imagine independently,a computer cannot.
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