Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Dignity of Work


The universe abounds in jewels,gems,gold and other precious stuff.Man has descended from firmament to discover the secret treasures of nature.To do so,he digs into the depths of earth,explores the bottoms of seas and ascends the mighty mountains.Life is a steady struggle and fierce fight.Man must not get exhausted by the journey of his efforts.He should know that those who sweat blood to create a garden out of a wilderness are bound to succeed.

There are two facets of life I.E. Pessimism and optimism.The pessimists paint a bleak picture of life.They readily get disappointed with the prevailing darkness and abandon their efforts.On the other hand,there are the optimists who paint a rosy picture of life.They always remain hopeful and happy.They never get frustrated in the deep darkness.They burn their little candles and force the deep darkness to flee.Finally the darkness disappears and a new bright dawn greets them warmly.

It is an admitted fact that work makes a man active,agile and alert.An industrious man is always strong and sturdy.Work blesses him with zeal and zest.By working hard he gets a glorious status in society.The sweet fruit of his labor benefits not only the man but also his nation and country.Such hard working men are the real assets of a nation.

History reveals that those nations who worked their fingers to the bone were honored and successful.They emerged as victorious nations of the world.They ruled over the world as long as they remained diligent.But when they broke their habit of industry and became lethargic,they were humiliated and disgraced.

Islam lays a great stress upon diligence.The holy prophet said:"The hardworking man is friend of Allah". The holy prophet would do his work with his own hands.He disliked if someone should do his work for him.The holy life of the holy prophet reflects the dignity of work.Allah says in the Holy Quran:'nothing is for a man but the thing he struggles for."the beloved daughter of the holy prophet did her household work herself.She herself would grind flour,bring water and sweep the house.All these examples urge us to be diligent in life.

In the present era,the Muslims have lost their grace and honor.The only reason behind it is that they have forgotten the golden traditions of their forefathers.On the other hand,the western nations have adopted the habit of diligence and assiduity.That is why they are the ruling nations of this age.If the Muslims want to regain their lost glory,they have to adopt the forsaken habit of labor.Then they would be able to walk with their head erect.

Briefly speaking man cannot succeed without hard work.Struggle determines the success of failure of our plans . Diligent nations can do wonders in every sphere of life.Crowning achievements,superior status and enormous dignity could be attained through constant labor only.

(507 words)

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