Thursday, April 30, 2015

How to increase production and lower prices

<br /> solutions for governments <br />

The greatest need of the people now is to have cheaper industrial and agricultural goods and their constant supply.The highest duty of the government is to have the goods produced cheaply on a mass scale and to have them sold at low prices.

Our various governments did not educate and train the people for privately owned and government-controlled systems of production and distribution.As a result,neither nationalization nor private ownership of factories and production centers was successful.The continuing rise in the prices of goods of daily use,produced and distributed by private organizations,is a clear proof of their inefficiently and failure.Even with sugarcane field sin plenty,we cannot run our sugar factories well because of defective private ownership and corruption.Successful public ownership of sugar factories would not have permitted the sugar prices to rise absurdly high.

In the construction sector,too,we have witnessed the ever-rising high prices of cement and building materials.We should not have not privatized the state-owned cement factories when the common people did not have funds to build even ordinary houses.We should have established some publicly owned cycle,motorcycle and car manufacturing plants for the availability of cheaper vehicles to the public.

We have had to import food items because of the economic situation in the countryside and the urban areas.The imported commodities were often in short supply.The prices of vegetables like the onion and potato and of pulses skyrocketed and the people suffered unnecessarily.

The workers and employees everywhere find it hard to live well within their means.They cannot be interested in any kind of government plans if their economic condition is not improved.Corruption cannot be checked unless we increase production,lower prices and introduce schemes of public welfare.

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