The madressahs or seminaries in Pakistan are about 13000 with over fifteen lac students.
Now is the time for the madressahs to have their aims:(a)true Islamic and moral education applicable to all Muslims,(b)a good working knowledge of English and the basic physical and social sciences,(c)physical education involving bodily exercises and games if possible,(d)development of a vision of life based on the ideals of intellectual and social progress,cooperation and mutual help.
How to function.A seminary should function under an administration that is well educated and is above all sects and divisions in society.The academic classes in it should take place regularly.The students should attend them with interest and study in libraries for long hours.Books on subjects like the Holy Quran and fiqh and other religions,information technology,the physical and social sciences and standard newspapers and magazines from all over the world should be freely available.
Broad Islamic and moral education is important,but education in the languages and professional fields is important,too.For this purpose,modern education should be provided and able teachers should be employed from here and abroad.
Politics and the collection of arms and ammunition should not be allowed in any of our seminaries.We have a very huge army equipped with the latest weapons even when large-scale wars in the presence of nuclear weapons are becoming obsolete.Our students in educational institutions need the armor of knowledge and thought.Let them join the armed forces or political parties afterwards if they desire.Now they need to be prepared to live as true Muslims,to earn well and to meet the challenges of life ably and effectively.
OUR SUGGESTION.Learned scholars in all fields of knowledge,in schools,colleges and universities,should be associated with the teaching and training programs of the seminaries.Their syllabi and educational programs should be prepared by religious scholars and professional teachers of good repute together.Funds should be provided by the government,capitalists,landowners and business people for the efficient running of the seminaries,and they should be strictly and regularly audited.Efforts should be made to convert the present texture and composition of our seminaries into institutions of higher learning contributing to the growth,strengthening and establishment of our families and society on strong moral,economic, and creative lines for a glorious future.
"Not to hang our heads in shame beside the advanced and flourishingBut to live honorably and rise deservedly to the highest regions of glorious success"
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