Monday, May 11, 2015



Hopefulness is a mental condition in which we expect good results of certain happenings and situations, and feel happy about them.Optimism is a way of thinking which makes us look at the bright side of different situations and makes us expect the b est possible results.

What is hope if we can describe it psychologically?According to William McDougall,it is one of the greatest forces that operates in the mind-something that enters into the structure of character.Hope is in fact associated with desire and love.Tennyson wrote of "the mighty hope that makes us..."

"I am longing to be with you, and by the sea,where we can talk together freely and build our castles in the air."
-Bram Stoker,Dracula

Let us consider the general causes of hopefulness or optimism.Firstly,the qualities that a child inherits from his parents and forefathers determine his mental condition a great deal.There are some qualities like hopefulness,cheerfulness,peaceful nature,hopelessness,sorrowfulness,quarrelsomeness, and so on ,which are part of one's nature.

Secondly,family life at home is,largely,responsible for our hopeful of hopeless attitude towards life.If a child is born into a peaceful,happy and contented family,it can grow up into a boy or girl with an optimistic or hopeful outlook on life.With happiness and hope all around in the home,how can a member of the family avoid being hopeful in life?

"Expectations were like fine pottery.The harder you held them,the more likely they were to crack."
/Brandon Sanderson,The Way of Kings

Thirdly,the social conditions in which a person lives affect his feelings and thinking a lot.If a person lives in a very backward part of the country with narrow roads,broken houses and dirty markets,he will naturally not feel socially satisfied.If,on the other hand,the social surroundings are favorable and the people are happy and satisfied,one living amidst them will also feel happy.

Fourthly,the chance of progress in society,employment opportunities,expanding housing facilities and a proper price level keep all the people happy and hopeful.

Fifthly,the political situation in the country is a great determinant of the level of general and individual happiness and optimism.Who will not like to have a strong,stable and efficient political system like that of the US,Britain,Holland or Switzerland?

"Sometimes the price of dreams is achieving them."
-Michael J.Sullivan,Percepliquis

Social tragedies and natural calamities like fires,accidents,earthquakes,floods and wars are in plenty.Personal tragedies like diseases and deaths in families are no fewer.Frequent crimes and terrorist acts are often are unavoidable because of the inner weaknesses of human beings,social mechanisms and the policies of other countries.The people can face these bravely if they have religious faith and moral strength and enjoy social peace and harmony.

Thus,we can sat the high hopes and expectations are the result of complex social and personal causes.Of course,we can never be hopeful if we are not inwardly satisfied and socially happy.

"Never surrender your hopes and dreams to the fateful limitations others have placed on their own lives.The vision of your true destiny does not reside within the blinkered outlook of the naysayers and the doom prophets.Judge not by their words,but accept advice based on the evidence of actual results.Do not be surprised should you find a complete absence of anything mystical or miraculous in thew manifested reality of those who are so eager to advise you.Friends and family who suffer the lack of abundance,joy,love,fulfillment and prosperity in their own lives really have no business imposing their self-limiting beliefs on your reality experience."
-Anthon St.Maarten

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