Saturday, June 6, 2015

Social Evils

<br /> Social Evils<br />

It is very unfortunate that social evils in our country have developed into institutions.Now we find a great many social evils surrounding us like diseased trees that no one dares to cut down.Social evils come in the society,when rights of the poor not given to them.Social evils destroy the economy of the country.It became a serious crime.Social evil grow because of poverty and unemployment.When people find no source of income then they found only way of earning through social evils.The carriers of social evils are human beings.There are many social evils like bribery and corruption,hoarding and black marketing,smuggling,adulteration,injustice.

Firstly,bribery and corruption are found in quick growth and speedy development in important government departments,offices,law courts,police stations, and all those places where public problems are supposed to be solved.Bribery,favoritism, and nepotism(favor shown to relations) are common like cheating and fraud.These have put a stop to true progress,equality,development, and hope for a better future.We see that bribery and corruption are growing up speedily and development in the government departments like,offices,law,police stations and other places.Where people go to solve their problems.When they go in the government department for their small problems that time some government officers demand for money from people and says that it is gift not bribery.Due to bribery people face number of problems.Bribery does not thrive the common people.Bribery is stopping the way of progress,development,equality and thought of better future.Some rich people and heavy industries fed up the money to government department for their personal work.From this way,rich people progress fast and they became richer get richer.On the other hand,poor people do not progress due to bribery and they became poor get poorer.Sometimes,some people fed up to government department for some ordinary matters like a new connection of electricity,sanction of building plans for houses.

Secondly,hoarding and black-marketing are the twin evils that cause abnormal rise in prices and suffering of the people.In order to become rich quickly,big traders hoard huge quantities of articles or commodities of daily use like grains,onions and potatoes and other necessities of life like medicines in short supply to sell them later at higher prices.

Thirdly,smuggling is a serious social evil that is extremely harmful to the country's economy.When foreign goods are smuggled into the country on a large scale,the local industry,business and agriculture suffer.Other countries usually dump their goods or sell them at lower prices to capture foreign markets.The local producers cannot sell their goods easily, and they either reduce their production or close up their businesses.The government of the country cannot collect taxes and duties on the smuggles goods.It cannot have control over the standards of the smuggled goods and inferior goods harmful to the people.

Fourthly,adulteration is a serious social evil as well as a crime as food items like milk,honey,spices,pulses,rice,wheat and many other food items are mixed with cheap and harmful commodities.In fact,adulterators play with the life and health of the people.They make food impure and injurious to health like the many kinds of soft drinks or "sherbets" or ice cream sold by street vendors(sellers).

Fifthly,injustice is one of the most harmful social evils that wrongs all the society.If an officer in a department,a judge in a court of law,a manager in a factory, or any person in authority is unjust,he corrupts the very fabric of society.He misuses his authority and makes injustice prevail.The people and society should judge him honestly, and if he does injustice,they should force the government to try him in a court of law and then dismiss and punish him.

It is very sad that a number of deadly social evils still grip us after more than half a century of independent existence.Only through effective moral and social education of the people and the establishment of a true political,economic and social system can we bring social evils to an end.

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