Tuesday, August 11, 2015


<br /> Superb Essay on Obesity for Pakistan's Independence day<br />

Did you know that over one-half of all Americans;approximately 97 millions;are overweight or obese?Obesity is a condition of excess body fat.Obesity can affect any person from young children to older adults.There are many causes of obesity such as over-eating,genetics,hormones,the environment, and lack of physical activity.There are many effects of obesity like health issues,depression,eating disorders, and death.There are also many solutions to obesity such as dieting,medication,exercise, and even surgery.Obesity tends to run in families,implying genetic factors.The search for an obesity gene is complicated because families also tend to share eating habits and lifestyle habits.In one study,however adults who were adopted as children were found to have weights closer to their biological parents than to their adopted parents.In this case,the person's genetic make up had more influence on the development of obesity than the environment in the adoptive home.Other research has shown than often normal weight children of obese parents have a lower metabolic rate that normal weight children of non-obese parents.Again,this suggests that obesity can also be inherited.Many studies have found a genetic link to obesity,showing the pattern of deposition of fat.This is the way the fat builds up around the body, and the degree of being overweight can both be inherited.Body shape,for example,generally falls into one of three categories-exomorphs,endomorphs, or mesomorphs.The slighter frames of ectomorphs reflect a low capacity of fat storage.

Endomorphs have the most fat-storage capacity.Mesomorphs have an ability to store fat that falls somewhere in between.Fat storage is also more evenly distributed.These are stereotype body shapes.Most people are a combination of two of all three.It is undoubtful whether a person's body shape and fat distribution is sufficient enough to cause obesity.

In her book,The Hungry Gene,Ellen Shell promoted the idea that leptin may be one of the causes of obesity.Leptin is a naturally occurring hormone that controls the appetite.When full,fat cells release the hormone leptin,it curbs the appetite.If leptin production is changed,the fat cells are unable to signal that they are full and weight gain occurs.Research into leptin is just beginning.A small minority of cases of obesity can be explained by gland or hormonal problems.One such problem is clinical hypothyroidism.This is where there is not enough thyroid hormone to control normal rates of metabolism.Sex hormones can also affect obesity.In women,body fat levels during adolescence,pregnancy and menopause are determined by the balance of the female sex.Weight is also affected by gender.

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