The study tackles about “The Impact of Attending Seminars to the Development of the Analytical Skill of the Financial Management Students”. The discussion started by introducing what is seminars and its main purpose. Seminars help a lot to spread and inform the people about new informations and ideas. It provides also opportunities to the attendees to meet and know formal persons in different industries. The importance of seminars could also enhance skills of the attendees specifically the analytical skill of a person. In a way that the person will be more motivated to think and plan for their future because they were motivated by the new ideas they learn from the speakers. This paper also discusses the impacts of the seminars and this was proven by the result of the surveys which the respondents rated. Ending this paper is the conclusion about the what could be the influence of the seminars and how can it will motivate people to attend seminars.
Seminars are bringing up a small group to discuss a particular subject requiring the attendee to actively participate. The importance of seminars to the analytical skill of financial management students are being shared and learned. From the study of John Whilttaker (n.d.) the financial analytical and negotiating skills of the students are being developed. Another study done by Jean-Marc Hackey(n.d.), information exchanges exist in the seminars. The speaker who shares and discuss with his/her experiences also learned from the opinion of the listeners or the attendees.
The skills of the financial management students are being developed including the study of Naran (2002), the logical reasoning of the attendee. In a way that the attendees like students learn to study, examine and have a fully understood of the text or the subject to come up with a good conclusion to their work. Another skill benefited by the seminars are the thinking skills of the attendees, the listeners became more critical in thinking and analyzing. In addition from Cortell (n.d.) the evaluation and weighing up of text, opinion, arguments and solutions of the attendee’s improve.
Those who will be attending the said seminar will also be benefited by developing this analytical leadership. By the study of Jeanne Harris and Elizabeth Craig (n.d.), their analytical leadership covers the unique qualities of a leader. Analytical leadership also takes steps to care, develop and retain the core skills of a person to fully develop into an analytical leadership skill.
Base on the study of Rao(n.d.) seminars also help students to build their own motivation inspired by the shared experiences of the speakers. Motivation is one factor for students to pursue what they want to achieve. The attendee of seminars were always being inspired by the speakers because of the their motivated experiences that give hope to the attendee to do the same or not exactly what the speaker do but to follow the steps.
Seminars according to Peeler (2007) it motivate students to set agenda which they may consider to be done so they will have guide and to analyze critically what the students want to come up.
The researchers come up with the study about the impact of attending seminars to the financial management students because they believe that this study would be an eye opener to the students how important the seminars are. Attending seminars may give good benefits to the students. The benefits that the students could get from attending seminars may include students learned new skills, students improve their level of leadership and they learn how to have a sense of community.
The reason why the researchers believe that attending seminars has a huge influence to the development of the skills of the students because some people including the researchers already knows that attending different kinds of seminars are also a way of learning in different aspects. Seminars are being done in different ways just to let the seminar attendees to learn also in a different way. Some seminars are done by having games, the sharing of the speakers’ experiences and the teaching of the facts about the theme of the seminars.
Through the use of questionnaires as the medium of survey to the financial management students the researchers came up with a superior result. Most of the students had experience attending seminars and conventions. In addition, most of the financial management students agree that seminars could enhance analytical skills and they strongly agree that they must acquire high analytical skills.
Descriptive research is defined as, used to describe characteristics of a population or phenomenon being studied according to the dictionary Heneman (n.d.). The reason why the researchers used descriptive research as the type of research, because the researchers wants to know what are the characteristics and what are the impacts of attending seminars to the development of the analytical skills of the students.
According to Jean-Marc, students would be empowered and encouraged to undertake global career skill-building strategies after listening to the seminars he is conducting. On this statement he stated, he focused on saying that how seminars are important to the students and for their future. This study focuses on what is the impact of attending seminars to the development of the analytical skills of the first year students.
The first process that the researchers did was to search for related studies which are related on their topic. After analyzing the related studies of this research the researchers conducted a survey to know if the financial management students have a background about what are seminars and what are the effects of attending seminars. Once the survey was done and all the needed information was gathered the researchers made the tallying of the variables. The variables used by the researchers are the names of the respondents which are optional, the year level of the respondents and the gender. The researchers also computed for the percentage of each of the variables.
The questionnaires are the materials used by the researchers to gather information by their respondents. The respondents of the researchers are the first year students, second year students and the third year students. In order to know if all the male and female financial management students have experienced attending seminars and conventions and if they learn more if there is several speakers on one topic the researchers included this query on the given questionnaires to the respondents.
From the male and female, first year, second year and third year respondents of the researchers, one hundred percent or all of the respondents had experienced already attending seminars and conventions.
As being illustrated in the first graphs are about the result of the survey if the students have already experience attending seminars and conventions. As a result even by gender hundred percent of male and female agreed that they already experience attending seminars. In measure by respondents according to year level first, second and third year respondent students agreed hundred percent because they all already experience attending seminars. From the result of the survey it says that anyone can experience attending seminars maybe because everybody has the freedom to attend and exercise their right to be one of the attendees of seminars. In relation to this is the study of Hamby (2006) that everyone has the freedom to attend seminars to also gain knowledge from the sharing of the speakers of the seminars.
From the male and female, first year, second year and third year respondents of the researchers, one hundred percent or all of the respondents had experienced already attending seminars and conventions.
As being illustrated in the first graphs are about the result of the survey if the students have already experience attending seminars and conventions. As a result even by gender hundred percent of male and female agreed that they already experience attending seminars. In measure by respondents according to year level first, second and third year respondent students agreed hundred percent because they all already experience attending seminars. From the result of the survey it says that anyone can experience attending seminars maybe because everybody has the freedom to attend and exercise their right to be one of the attendees of seminars. In relation to this is the study of Hamby (2006) that everyone has the freedom to attend seminars to also gain knowledge from the sharing of the speakers of the seminars.
Another statement which is to be asked to the male and female, first year, second year and third year respondents is if they strongly agree, agree, strongly disagree and disagree by the statement “seminars could enhance analytical skills”. Male respondents have 67% strongly agree that seminars could enhance their analytical skills and 43% of them do not. The female respondents who has 64% of the strongly agree and the 36% of them do not. The survey confirms that 50% of the first year respondents strongly agree and another 50% of the first year respondents agree that seminars could really enhance analytical skills. Sixty percent of the second year respondent’s strongly agree and 40% of them just agree. The highest percentage of the students who strongly agree came from the third year students which has 78.50% and 21.50 for the agree column.
The third graphs illustrate the result from the survey regarding the effect of attending seminars if it could enhance the analytical skill of the attendees no one disagreed with the statement. According to the result by gender all agreed but there were percents who strongly agreed with the statement. In male has larger percent who strongly agree than female maybe because males are more attentive during seminars that’s why their skills are being exercised when the speaker starts to share their experiences and learnings in life that males really cherish. According to the result of the survey by year level, there is also no percent who disagreed with the statement maybe because they understand every detailed and analyze every statements, ideas and experiences that the speaker share. But the third year level got the highest percentage who strongly agreed with the statement that seminars could enhance analytical skills. Maybe the reason behind was third year students has already attended several seminars besides from they are older than the two year levels and they had already attended several seminars through the years of their studying they already exercised their analytical skills in analyzing the different ideas they learn from the different experiences of the speakers to be also like them in the future. This study can be compare to Tahir (2012) that seminars could really enhance skills including analytical skills. Because in seminars you need to have peace of mind to attentively listen to the speaker so that the attendees could learn a lot from the speakers experiences and help the attendees to visualize if he or she can fulfil what the speaker already done if ever the attendee wants to follow the path of the speaker.
Male respondents has a percentage of 42% for strongly agree, 58% for agree and none of them strongly disagree and disagree. The 53% of female respondents just agree and 39% of the strongly agree and 4% for the strongly disagree and disagree. First year respondents has a percentage of 38% for strongly agree, 57% for agree, 5% for strongly disagree and none of them disagree. Most of the second year respondents agreed that seminars are necessary for the first year students which got a 67% and 33% of the remaining second year respondents strongly agree. The third year respondents, has a percentage of 46% for strongly agree and agree column and remaining 8% disagree that seminars are necessary for the first year students.
From the result or the survey regarding that it is necessary for the first year students to attend seminars. According to gender by males, fourty-two percent strongly agree and fifty-eight percent agree and by females thirty-nine percent strongly agree, fifty-three agree, four percent disagree and four percent strongly disagree. The result from the survey prove that majority of the respondents even by gender strongly agree with the statement. According to first year students which the statement focuses thirty- three percent strongly agree and sixty-seven agree, this prove that the respondents or subject of the statement agree about it. From the higher level second and third year students majority of them agree that’s why seminars should be one of the activity of the first year students. This study can be compared to Wasan’s (2002) that students are required to have experience such formal gathering like seminar to also improve their social skills and at the same time they will learn new ideas that may help students.
The male respondents agreed that students analytical skills can be develop even if they are not attending any seminars and conventions which gets a 50% from the male respondents, 33% and 17% of them strongly agree and disagree respectively. In another hand, most of the female respondents just agree with a percentage of 64%, 29% for the strongly agree and 3.5% for strongly disagree and disagree. First year respondents has a percentage of 31.83% for strongly agree, 50% for agree and 9.09% for strongly disagree and disagree in the statement about “students analytical skills can be developed even if they are not attending any seminars and conventions”. The second year respondents have 35.70 % and 64.30% for strongly agree and agree respectively. One hundred percent of the third year students or simply all of them agreed in this statement.
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