Wednesday, December 31, 2014


<br /> BEST ESSAY "COURTESY"<br />

Courtesy means excellence of manners or polite behavior. It,of course,springs from good breeding kindness of heart. A courteous man is pleasant and polite to everybody. He observes good manner on all occasions and always respects the feelings of others.

Courtesy is the gift of treating others with warmth and respect. It means according dignity to people by being considerate, responsive, and kind in our dealings with them.

Courtesy costs nothing but pays a lot in return. a courteous person is liked and loved by all. This type of men remains very popular among his friends and relatives. Everybody have willingness to help him in the time of need. These well behaved courteous people are the foundation of good society and nation. But these days the number of these types of people is less. That is why our society is suffering a lot from ill antisocial activities. It is because courtesy create great atmosphere of living with coherence. Most of the people whom we come across everyday are generally arrogant, impatient and self centered.They neither love other nor are loved by any of them.

Your elders are the people that deserve your respect the most out of everyone and everything. It is very rude to disrespect someone,especially a teacher. When a teacher is in front of the class you should have your mouth closed and your eyes on her,giving her your full attention. It is very rude to run your mouth or do something disrespectful while she is trying to teach or explain. To have courtesy and to show respect is to be polite with good manners,considerate of others and to have good opinions of others. When you ask others to or for things you need to include the words 'may i','please' and 'thank you'.

Entering and leaving the formal functions at various times can be very rude and annoying therefore you should be seated at all times during the functions unless your required to perform and should leave your seat quietly with minimal fuss and noise. You should not be leaving early and should be waited to be asked to leave therefore showing some respect.

Some people may be strange to you but you show them the same respect you do to every other person. You should not ignore others either. In a polite way you may tell them that you are busy but not just ignoring them. If you are sitting round on the couch at home and visitor comes in,you show manners and politeness by welcoming them there and stand up to greet them not continuously sit down keep watching TV.

When people meet,they greet one another saying"good morning" or "good evening" according to the time of the day. Muslims greet one another,saying "Asslam-o-Alaikum", and they often ask about each other's health and well being. A Muslim greeting is a kind of wish,a prayer for mutual happiness,peace and security. The holy Quran lays stress on this form of greeting in Sura Al-Noor verse 61. If you know two persons who happen to be strangers,it is your duty to introduce them to each other. If both are men,you introduce the younger to the older:"please meet my elder brother...." if both are women,but one married and the other single. You introduce the latter to the former. If one is a man and the other a woman,it goes without saying that you introduce the man to the woman,and not the other way round. You pronounce both names clearly if they are males and the two persons shake hands,saying "how do you do?".

Good manners demand that you make no attempt to jump the queue. In a crowded bus,if you are physically fit,you give up your seat to an elderly person or to someone who is blind,disabled or sick. You have to say"thank you" to those who are good to you. Courtesy really makes everyday life more pleasant,more friendly and more meaningful.


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