Islam was founded by the prophet Mohammad (PBUH) who was born on CE 570,sometimes during the 6th century A.D,he founded Islam.It is a very widely spread religion and has many customs and traditions in it that have to be followed.To be considered a Muslim,one has to follow the "Five Pillars of Islam".These are:
Shahadah(Belief-one has to believe that there is only one God,by the name of Allah and that Allah has a single messenger by the name of Mohammad(PBUH).
Salah(Prayers)-All Muslims above the age of 12 have to pray 5 daily "Namaz".These are called Fajr,Zuhr,Asr,Maghrib and Esha.
Zakah(Almsgiving)-All Muslims have to 2.5% of their annual savings to a charity of their choice.
Saum(Fasting)-All Muslims have to fast for the holy month of Ramadan.They have to fast from sunrise to sunset everyday for the month.After the month there are Eid celebrations.
Hajj(Pilgrimage)-All Muslims have to try to visit the Holy city of Mecca and the Kabah at least once in their life time during the holy month of Hajj.If they visit Mecca anytime apart from that month,it is called Umrah and they still have to perform Hajj.
The Christian religion was founded in C.E. 0 by Jesus.Christian believe that Jesus in the son of God and that he was born to the Virgin Mary.Jesus was crucified by the Romans after being betrayed by one of his followers-Judas.Christians believe that after Jesus 'died,"Jesus returned to our earth.The Christian Holy Book is called The Bible.The Bible is divided into two halves-The Old Testament and The New testament.In the Old Testament,there are stories of prophets such as Noah,Issac,David and others,along with tales of how the earth was created,whereas in the New Testament are tales of the life of Jesus and his teachings.
There are many Christian Denominations such as Protestant,Roman Catholic and others.Denominations are people of the same fundamental belief of Christianity,but slightly differing views on things such as Divorce(which will be covered later in this book) and other teachings.
When two people love each other,they decide to get married.When two people marry each other,it is a symbol of their love for each other and a statement to everyone else.By being married,the bride and the bridegroom mutually agree to love each other, and only each other for the rest of their lives.They can then live together and have children together as a married couple.
If one of the spouses cheats on the other,it is called adultery and is a major sin in most religions-except Mormons,who believe in monogamy- and can result to the break up of the marriage, i.e. divorce.When to people divorce each other,it is a way for them to no longer be married to one another and can allow them to see and marry other people.
Christian Marriage Traditions
Traditional Christian marriages usually take place in a church and the two people who want to marry each other are married by a priest.This is how a traditional marriage takes place.
Islam Marriage Traditions
A marriage in Islam involves a simple marriage contract which is just the giving of a gift to a wife and the singing of a contract with repeating of Quranic verses before an Imam.But traditionally,other customs and traditions,which are not compulsory,are performed.
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