Thursday, July 9, 2015

Social Class in the Kite Runner


The Good,the Bad, and the Ugly,Of the Upper and Lower Class
Some may find it hard to believe,but life as an upper-classman, and as a lower-classman,have a lot in common.Whether it be education,living conditions,or even physical or psychological abuse,both classes have to deal with most of the same problems.Granted lower-class people may not have a problem such as which car they would like to take out for the day,or an upper-class citizen how they are going to survive the next month with what little money they are making,but nonetheless they share an equal amount of problems as human beings.In the novel The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini,there are plenty of examples that prove this to be correct,walking through the life as an upper or lower class citizen,dealing with tough situations.As upper class citizens,it is much easier to receive a proper education due to the fact that it is not necessary for one to get an occupation to help support their family because no additional support is needed.Since upper class citizens can have the luxury of being able to read and write,they are more likely to become successful,for example,
Amir,a young boy who is born into the wealth of his father,Baba,talks about how he is using his education to excel in language arts,"In school, we used to play a game called Sherjangi, or "Battle of the Poems."The Farsi teacher moderated it and it went something like this:You recited a verse from a poem and your opponent had sixty seconds to reply with a verse that began with the same letter that ended with yours.Everyone in my class wanted me on their team,because by the time I was eleven,I could recite dozens of verses...One time,I took on the whole class and won". This example shows how Amir has the advantage over most kids,who are not as fortunate to receive an education and is able to excel by becoming one of the most prominent students in poetry of his class.It also shows that Amir has a good chance of being a success by using this education to advance him for when he is older.Rahim Khan,Baba's best friend, also notice that Amir is becoming more knowledgeable in language arts when he reads Amir's first story,I enjoyed your story very much.Mashallah,God as granted you a special talent.It is now your duty to hone that talent,because a person who wastes his God-given talents is a donkey.You written your story with sound grammar and interesting style.But the most impressive thing about your story is that it has irony.You may not even know what that word means.But you will someday.It is something that some writers reach for their entire careers and never attain.You have achieved it in your first story". This again further displays that because Amir is able to receive a good education,he is able to write impressively.Not only does this example show that he is a good student,but it also shows that if one is given the chance to be educated and takes advantage of it they can become successful.People in the upper class have the opportunity to gain an education because they have the wealth to be able to do so,however people in the lower class are not as fortunate.People in the lower class are forced to work hard for what they have because,they have not been blessed with the luxury of being born into a wealthy family.

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